Completely OT- The Apprentice

So- Gobby Phil went!
Was quite glad as he just showed himself up in the boardroom- although he did come across quite well on the 'You're Fired' programme afterwards- seemed a bit shamefaced so I forgive him because he is cute (but not as cute as sexy Nick- pwoar!)

I think that if Phillip hadnt opened his mouth as much as he did then Lorraine would have gone. She is so up her own arse.
OMG that blimmin Phillip was getting on my nerves! I know Lorraine isn't wonderful but he really put the boot in! He didn't do anything in the task and took it for granted that if it went tits up then he would get Lorraine out - didn't work at all!

Am I the only one that finds Kate really annoying?! She seems to be really trading on her 'looks' right now. I want to see if she can really handle it - hope she is team leader next week!
Philip deserved to go, he was way too gobby in the boardroom if he had done a Ben (who was eerily quiet) and kept his mouth shut I think AMS would have fired Lorraine (who's completely barking!!!) - AND did you see The Sun this morning - picture of Philip and Kate walking hand in hand down the street!!!!!!!