Confessions! :(


Full Member
This is my confession.

Was doing fantastic got to day 4 and disaster hit had a awful day.

I found myself making excuses to eat crap. TOTM and an awful day ( I work at a mental health hospital, so should be used to these now)
Needless to say I failed and feel awful!

I'm starting again today and seriously need to cut my ties with emotional eating!

In 3 days iv started this diet, had my first period in 4 months and changed wards at work..... Something had to give :(

" I will always experience violence and aggression at work but need to kick the habit of reaching for a takeaway! " this is what I'm gonna have keep telling myself to survive this!

My day starts again now ;)

Sorry if this is written odd as I'm gonna use it as my reference when I'm low! :)

Draw a Line under it! We are going to have to change our minds as well a losing weight on this diet!

Don't feel to bad! I had the same thing yesterday lost my head and eat a pizza but it made me feel sick and I throw up :( won't do that again!
