
Have I got this right, that I can eat anything from the Superfree Foods list AND anything from the Original Free Foods list? So for example I could have Green beans and Broccoli from Superfree Foods with chicken from Original Free Foods?
Thanks in advance from a confused person lol
On original days yes you can! Any superfree foods and any original free foods x
Yes that's right for red days and extra easy days......basically red days is as above, green days are superfree foods and anything from the green food list and then extra easy is where you can have red and green foods together as long as you have 2/3 of your plate filled with superfree foods!

Hope that makes sense :)
Yes that's right for red days and extra easy days......basically red days is as above, green days are superfree foods and anything from the green food list and then extra easy is where you can have red and green foods together as long as you have 2/3 of your plate filled with superfree foods!

Hope that makes sense :)

Just to clarify, on extra easy 1/3 of your plate must be superfree not 2/3 ;)
Welshtigger all is very much the same ONLY 1/3 rd SF as s guide line to manage portion control NOT TO JUST EAT FOR THE SAKE AS MANY DID (Do not understand !! Unless I'm too scientifically minded!!) as my c says at time
But she like the idea that PCT's might be giving free SW for 6weeks as a part to get us in better shape On the meeting so trying to push it !! We'll see it has been a pilot here but thd persons that were referred wen.'t really committed my head is hitting the block
Do you think that your PCT would have sm interest?? If so get in touch but not if you as a decider has chosen BUT it is the way forward!! Not trying to combat obesity in AMERICA we should deal with the problem in the UK first!!