
I've only started Slimming World on Monday this week and already I'm confused.

For my dinner I've had 3 multigrain ryvita and was going to have an alpen light bar too (amongst other things) - do I put down the ryvita as my HEB and the alpen light as 3 syns?

Also slightly confused how you can eat 2 alpen light and have them as HEB yet they are 3 syns each? :confused: Is it because I've chosen to have them as my HEB that they are not syn'd.

See told you I was confused!!
The answer is yes to both questions. Basically your HEB is equivalent to 6 syns (i.e. 2 Alpen light or 3 Ryvita Multigrain). If you want to have both (I'm assuming you are doing EE so can only have 1 HEB) then it makes sense to syn the lowest value. Hope this makes sense!