
it has been a week of misery where my bowel movement was the start of it, I has such a bad week because of it.. did even took that Fibre think the pharmacist suggested yesterday, but nothing. and when i wake up today and i couldn't be another day feeling this bloated and having abdominal cramps, I went to the pharmacy and got myself a senna tablet. not sure if this is allowed but at this point I really don't care.

hope i haven't broke my Ketosis with this.

Has anyone in here had the same experience and what worked for you.

xoxox Halwa
Senna tablets are allowed I hope you get movement soon
I had this it was horrible! I would suggest doubling your amount of water also. I was in agony with mine :(
I recommend psyllium husk capsules, H&B sell them. I take them morning and night. They keep things moving and don't effect ketosis x
Does anyone know.if dulcolax is allowed?I struggle with the toilet as it is before starting these shakes!
i was allowed duclax and it worked with the senakot but now im really careful now with my water intake i use the fiberclear twice a day and drink so much water im suprised i havnt burst yet.

it is a nightmare though hope its sorting itself out...
Thanks :) ..may take a dulcolax this evening!
this is not pretty but also having a bath helps then forgoing the toilet seat and squatting over a towel helps too...
thankfully i wasnt that bad but my pharmacist said it can help with relaxing the muscles.
If its bad see doc.....i take macrogol was on it before starting LT and this time round no issues at all......i would stick to senna rather than dulcolax as this can give you awful cramps