CornishTT''s weight loss diary

My Atkins diary

Hi Tony,

Ribs look gorgeous! Although not a pork eater ribs and neck are my favourite. Been doing a lot of stews and casserole with them lately and they're absolutely fab!! The fat and bones add so much flavour to the sauce and the meat is smooth and tender compared with meatier cuts.

Been reading your 30DS journey from the other page. Completey relate to the exercise and sts. I went through a 9 week sts yes 9week! whilst doing kettleworx and a lbt vid. I was seeing big changes in shape yet could not nudge the scales no matter - I became so frustrated with it all. Exercise does def stall stop you losing on Atkins and it's hard not to want to see confirmation of all our hard work on the scales. I've started losing again since stopping the excercise it's a shame as I enjoyed it a lot but I know I'll start sts-ing again. However, I've started Pilates this week and am hoping to tone and still lose with that. I'll def be doing the I between rest days also this time.
Morning, how is the playing going? I'm still in dressing gown & contemplating next cup of tea - not sure much will get done today - oops!

I've never had ribs, are they nice? I do love pork though, got some loin steaks ready to cook up - and I swear belly pork strips were the only thing that got me through my party week :D
OMG I absolutely love bacon ribs. Haven't had them in years, but bacon ribs and buttered cabbage is a match made in heaven. The bones are really weird and crumbly though, aren't they? I must keep an eye out for them!
Re: My Atkins diary

Hi all, sorry for prolonged silence as still very sleep deprived, been away from MM but still on Atkins wagon. We switched the kids and our room around and since then we've had sleepless nights, so going back to the way it was and hopefully...

Been good (was at a wedding on the weekend and willingly gave up the most gigantic and scrumptious looking sticky toffee pudding and even resisted the marzipan on the wedding cake!). Funny, throughout watching people around me devour it all I could think about was coconut oil chocolate!

Still have not bought new scales hence why I didn't weigh in Sat. Hope you're all are well and will try and catch up on diaries sometime this week.
Well done at the wedding and i hope sleep sorts itself out now! :)
Sleep depravation is torture!! Hope you get some quality zzzz soon x weddings can be hard!! So well done for resisting temptation x
Know how you are feeling with the sleep torture! LO not slept all night for what seems like ages :-( school is not wearing her out either.

Admire your willpower! I would have been tucking right into the sticky toffee pud! x
Re: My Atkins diary

Thanks for the thoughts and motivation guys, sadly moving bedrooms has not changed anything and I was up at 03.50am and have been awake since. Son was dozing but none for me. I want to cry.

Give it time Toni, hopefully they'll settle down.

I have been at this stage of sleep deprivation before and have nearly fallen asleep driving so am even scared to do that today. You know how people say take a kid out in a car, 9/10 times it'll sleep? Same is true for sleep deprived adults!

Still on Atkins though am so SO tempted by hobnobs, choc chip biscuits and even toast! I did have a whole pack of boursan yesterday (4.5g carbs for 150g) and coconut chocolate (2 tbsp co and 1 tbsp chocolate powder). That was the extent of my naughty yesterday, totm due soon.

Been rubbish at commenting on diaries, though reading them all, your trials, house moves, exercise, NSV, good losses, sts and tight jeans. Keep going everyone!
Hope you're doing OK love and got some sleep, I think you've done brilliantly to avoid the bad stuff and stick to legal stuff xxxx
Hey honey - you've been doing brilliantly! Been there done that with the non-sleeping children, but a couple of years on it seems like a dream (nightmare actually!!!). Hope things settle for you soon petal and well done on your Atkins dedication! xxx
Just checking in - hope you are getting some sleep xx
Re: My Atkins diary

Hi guys, thanks for thinking of me and writing in my diary, still just lurking and not posting much.

On the sleep front not much has changed, though we did have a lie in today till 5.30! Hope for more of the same tomorrow and maybe slowly but surely we can prolong sleep. I think much of it stems from the stress in our house atm (selling house, selling existing business and trying to find suitable new business). Funny enough though, hubby and I are great, just the kids feeling it.

I bought new scales the other day but have not weighed yet as I did eventually succumb to carbs on Friday. I was so tired and miserable and feeling sorry for myself I wanted comfort. I have to say though, I didn't find it. I ate about 4 hobnobs, 2 fig rolls, a dozen white chocolate buttons and two fun size mars bars. OMG was that stuff sweet!? I regretted it before I put it in my mouth and you know what was the scariest? My daughter saw me with the pack of hobnobs and said, "don't eat them all mummy." (cause usually I would) :(

So, I am still zombie-ing through life and am not exercising and I am eating way too much salami and cured meats. Not drinking enough water and having too much cream and coconut chocolate. Doing it all wrong but for now best I can do as still so tired. 7.30pm is the new 10pm...

Hope you're all have a good day and as someone says in their diary (busy maybe?), hope you're all winning! xox
Aw honey that sounds awful. Don't know what ages your children are, but having raised a son who didn't sleep through till after he started school, and who still rises with the lark, I know what sleep deprivation can do. I'm in awe that you're getting time to think about what goes into your mouth at all, you're fab to be holding to the low carb WOE most of the time - I was at my heaviest when my youngest was 2 or 3 - took me that long to get to grips with eating. :bighug:
Thinking of you xx
I think you are doing amazingly well all things considered. Lack of sleep is a killer and everything always seems much harder when you are tired.

hang in there! Xx