Cosmetic Surgery - Who is considering it?

nah it wasnt bad, i was really engrossed in watching the ink go in lol!!

I have 3 tattoos now, going to get another once i get too target aswell :)
My other half calls them my mrs doubtfire knickrs but they are ace, about five of us wore some for our christmas party and they def work I even wore a dress (very rare)
i would love tummy tuck have to agree with damaris about lying on ur side and other half putting his arm round u, i always move his arm up so it doesn't rest on my flabby stomach lol would also like boobs filled out a bit having 4 kids and breastfeeding them all has taken its toll need to win the lottery
ME! I have looked into having a tummy tuck but the 2 prices I've heard so far are £5300 at the local hospital and £5400 at one in Manchester and they are both well out of my price range! I would really love one but that money would pay for a fab family holiday in Florida and I really couldn't do it to the children. We can't afford to take them there so I can't justify the money on me! I'll just have to buy a lottery ticket and hope!!!!

Must admit, after breastfeeding 3 very hungry babies and my advancing age I wouldn't mind a boobie lift as well!!!!!

I've promised myself that I keep to within 5lb of my ideal weight for 5 years I can have laser surgery to remove the stretch marks... Im only 21 and I have them everywhere, tummy, underarms, boobs, backs of my knees...
And of course a boob lift... I live in fear of having "tennis ball stuck to chewing gum" boobs... just visualise it!!!
i know what you mean want to be me, my backs probably the worst and my arms - the thing is if they're lightish and people say anything and im thin i think i'll just say thery're battle scars lol which is true really the big battle with food. Although it would be lovely to have smooth stretch mark free model skin ..i can dream xx
Lol Miss Bean that is a brilliant way of putting it!!! Hey you know when you see a new one, do you ever panic and think you're gonna get them on your face? That really scares me!!!