Could someone do me a favour asap??


I'm trying to debate whether or not to have a crack at Lipotrim or Cambridge (done them both before) tomorrow, but I would like to have a look at the nutritional info for the mens sachets on lipotrim, because I've managed to find the Cambridge info.

So, if anyone could point me to where I can find it, or even check their bag and tell me the calories, protein and carbs per male Lipotrim sachet; I'd really really appreciate.

Been trying to find it all day, but can only find info for female sachets.

Male Lipotrim 77g serving...

Calories 283.4

Protein 28.6

Carbs 30

Two female 38.5g servings is equal to one male 77g get one Lipotrim serving more than women.
Both diets are very similar ...good luck with whichever diet you decide to go for.