Countdown to RTM.......

Well, today sees me down to 7 days to go! When I went to class last week my LLC said she wanted me to finish developers this week and start RTM tomorrow, I said I didn't want toi as I have a date/weight target and I will achieve that next week (3rd Nov). My LLC is also away tonight as she is in Cyprus so we have a locum!

I am excited about tonights WI, who knows what weight loss is to come but it is all in the right direction.

I will post more thoughts to myself later on!

Kat xx
Kat - you are so positive and your outlook seems so focused.
I am at the stage now where I think I will never get to end of developers or my goal but maybe it is just my small loss this week (I know it is exactly 4 weeks since my loss of 0.7 so it is probably hormonal) that is making me a bit more negative!
You are fantastic though and I am so pleased for you.
Well done and good luck tonight.
Milli x
Thank you Milli :)

You will get there, all those small losses do add up!

Kat xx
Well tonights weight loss was 2lb! :)

I need a total of 3lb to get to goal - wow! 1 of those lbs will make it a total loss of 98lb - 7 stone!

I am going to go to drop in on Thursday to hopefully record that 1lb loss - I am away at the weekend, it would be great to say I have lost 7 stone.

I have 7 days left. I am finishing developers next Tuesday and starting RTM Wednesday.

Kat xx
6 days BLOODY HELL! It's cominggggggggggg!! :)

Kat xx
At this stage I don't know whether I will or not in 2 days but we shall see tomorrow :)

Kat xx

Well done you - I'm sure you'll make your 1lb by drop in - a fantastic achievement
Nah, not in 2 days hun!!

I had a wicked run tonight, really enjoyed it!

Went to the DRs today for a "lady" appt and and she did my blood pressure. Said it was a little low as it was 90/70.

She suggested I drink more or walk more, reasurred her I needed to do neither! lol

Kat xx

Kat xx

I bet you loose 2lb maybe 3..... a small wager Ms Kat??

I have been thinking alot this morning. I guess this week will have alot of that on my approach to RTM.

I was trying to work out this morning just how I feel about what I have done, how I see myself etc...

I was chatting to my friend at work and I just couldn't quite explain it all.

Then I had a "moment" and I realised what I am feeling.

I am in amazement at what I have achieved. I am overwhelmed just as much. I am proud of myself more than anything I have ever done in my entire life.

What I did realise is this. Obviously through Foundation/Developers/Abstinence we are mainly in adapative child as we are following the rules of LL, being controlled. Even though to some extent that will still be the case when I move to RTM, I will be being given back the reigns therefore slowly moving in adult state, taking back some of the control.

I am by no means afraid, nervous or doubting of myself to do this at all. it is the change that is coming that excites me!

5 days to go :)

Kat xx
Whilst still chatting away to myself over here!!

I went to the drop in tonight and I have lost that 1lb!

7 stone gone!

Into the next stone bracket!

Yipeee to me, myself & I!!

Kat xx
4 days to go woo hoo!
Well 2 days to go and I still haven't read my books. I am working in London tomorrow and working Tuesday, then Specsavers, then LL for my last Developers class then a candle party so no time then either!

Maybe a lil nose now will be good then Wednesday night I will spend sometime having a look.

2 days! whoa!

Kat xx
I had a lil read last night! I have 1 day! 1 bloody day of developers left!

woo weeee!!

Kat xx