Crazy Caz and her food diary

I'm no use to with the tan either. Because I'm so pale I tend to stay away from them unless I get them done in the Salon. They all tend to look very fake on me. My sister used one in a little plastic clear bottle with a gold lid that is beautiful on her....sorry again no help lol. x
lol i think i will just keep trying the cheaper ones just to see if i find one that I can put on AND a nice colour :)

what a miserable day out, done nothing but rain and be grey all day! cx
thanks ladies! no idea what is cooking tonight, oh i think they mentioned chicken kebabs on bbq! im hungry already, could be the sausages.bacon talk yum! lol cx
Well girls sts for me! I'm disappointed :(

Had chicken kebab skewers and rice for dinner at mums, so I've now got rice bloat and the hugest craving for a pizza? Lol!!! Cx
Nothing wrong with a STS even though it can be so disappointing just think on the lovely loss there will be next week your dinner sounds yum :)
Aw hi! Thanks!

Well ladies I've done it! I've had a **** week, and tonight I ordered and ATE dominos! Just for the crack, at about nine pm! You think my 7pp will cover 6 slices of pizza and a hot dog dough ball! Lol oops ashamed to admit it but hopefully be damage limitation till Monday! It's ems birthday tomorrow so might just scrap the week, let my hair down and get back in track from mon cx
A little time off can sometimes get you back into the right mind set. I know every now and then I need a blow out. Just expect a gain next week, don't be dissappointed and then move on.
STS this week was good, well done xx
Thanks ladies, I don't feel bad about it, I am usually so good it felt good to be a bit wreck less lol!!! Ems birthday today so I'm going to have cake! And she's having a sleepover tomorrow night so the chicken balls are def getting a hit! With the snow and ice I haven't been walking so think a week off will do no harm if not motivate me again to get the rest off cx
Morning shez! A very tired house today, had a sleepover last night with five 9-10 year olds! Never ever again lol if they slept 3hrs I'd be surprised!

Ww wise that's third day off! Lol oops but I enjoyed it and feeling a lot better in myself so back on track today! We got a Chinese last night, chicken fried rice, curry sauce chicken balls! And chips lol it was lovely!

Hope your all well!! Anyone get anything nice for valentines? I got a rose from Emily :) cx