Cupotea's Bulge Battle


Full Member
Hi there! I thought keeping a wee diary would hopefully motivate me and seeing as I am right at the beginning of my journey it's an ideal time to start.

Well wednesday there was my first weigh in and I am happy to report that I lost 5lb! Really happy with that but also very surprised as last thursday not only did I have quite a few cans of cider, I also ended up having a curry (Korma to be exact so probably the worst one you can have if you're trying to lose weight). However because of that I was super good for the rest of the week so obviously this must have counteracted my naughtiness.

I'm just hoping it doesn't catch up with me next week as I would just love it if I could lose another 2lbs and get my first 1/2 stone award.
Good luck with your minigoal of sure one Korma will not come back and get you this week - stick to plan, and i am sure you can do it xxx
Hi there

This is my first post -Im only on my 3rd week of SW -so I will follow your thread with interest..

Well done on the loss and good luck ...
5lbs in one week thats amazing lovely=) well done and keep up the awesome work!xx
Hello again! Thanks for the nice comments - I didn't quite manage my goal of losing 2lbs this week as I only lost 1.5 however I am really pleased with this as I had a terrible week. There was coffee and cake with friends not once but twice, the kids got some belated easter eggs which I ended up eating bits of and my sister in law sent over chocolate fudge cake. Despite all this I did try to be good with my meals - most of my lunches and dinners were free so I'm thinking this made up for the bad things.
Next week my goal is still to get my half stone. Only .5lbs to go so as long as I don't slip up too badly I'm hoping I will get there.
I didn't manage to fit in any extra exercise this week either so I will try and do that this week as well.
Oh well, onwards and downwards...