Currently 10stone wanting to get to 8.5


Hi all

Well after following every single faddy diet in the world (honestly I have) I have decided to stick with slimming world. It makes sense to me and it fits my life easily (being a mom of 4). I was always really happy with my figure I was a chubby teen and got into healthy eating and excercise and maintained 8stone for years and years. So much so people would never believe I had been a big girl. I got married stayed slim for 5 years and then at 30 had a baby. I quickly lost the 2 stone weight by low carbing. Then two years later I had my son and had 2 stone once again to lose. This took longer and I hung around 10pounds over my goal until he was 2.5. Then a fad diet got me back to my goal (along with huge exercise) I wouldn't say it was easy to do. I was back at goal for 2 months when I accidentally fell pregnant with twins. This was game over. Pregnancy was tough with lots of hospital stays and bed rest and I gained allot I stopped checking at 4 stone gain. 2 years later I am still 2 stone above target. As a short person it really shows. New friends have shown shock when they spot pic of me before the twins and slim. I guess I still view myself that way and forgot until seeing pictures how much bigger I am now. Slightly hurtful comments from hubby and friends along with the fact I am tired lots too has made me motivated that i will do it this time. I don't want to be the mum that is shying away from beach trips with my children because of vanity. So here goes