Step 1 Sole Source CWP -cheated on day 16


New Member
Hello everyone,

I am new in this forum. will make do with some support.
I started Sole source and kept it on for 15 days but ate some cakes on day 16. :cry:

what happens from here? feel bad really.
Draw a line underneath and continue!Read some diaries and look at some inspirational pics! Did yoou take before/during pics? I have been and it really spurs me on as I never want to look like how I did again.
Hi Uzzy, I totally agree with Nicki. draw a line under it and don't beat yourself up. Start again and you'll be fine. I have had a couple of blips over the last 5 weeks, but have still lost weight and remind myself that I am doing better than when I was just eating whatever I wanted. Good luck for the Reston your journey.
