Daily chat...

I dream of oatbran and rhubarb:D. Have eaten both this morning!

I think when I'm on conso,I'll spend the week planning my gala meal too, Anja. Hopefully I'll be there soon.

I think we are dreaming the same dream....
I'm more of a bore than any of you... cos I've been dieting most of my life, and doing this one for quite a while on and off, and so I pretty much know what I'm eating by looking at the calendar! (ie, it's Monday so it's X!)

Easiest way when working all week and in a different home most weekends!
I'm still so not organised.
My shopping is fine for getting the lunches part but evenings I still buy too much or not enough and even when I do have the right amount of stuff frequently forget to get something out the freezer.
At a guess, from experience, I'd say yes...

Can you remember who it was who was on the official site being coached?
That's right! I wonder how she's getting on... cos she's paid for the privilege!
oh gosh yes... here's hoping we can bring some people back to the fold if they're reading and not posting. I won't pretend that it didn't occur to me to "disappear" a week longer than my holiday... it's often hard to "come back" so IF ANY OF YOU ARE READING please come back!

I think staying here or around here helps - even if not strictly dieting...
Absolutely... and seeing Anja doing so well in Conso is REALLY encouraging me...
Horses for courses, each to her own and all that (I was more interested in the pizzas in the "before" photo!)
I need all the help I can get :) and seeing results and hearing about losses is great....

not sure what's going on with me...had a naughty weekend and have since lost 3.8lb since monday morning weigh in (due to a further 0.2lb loss today)

long may it continue... god knows what losses I'd have had if I'd done attack again or gone for 5 x pp

yesterday was a pv day and I still lost 0.2lb :S....

<prays that the weightloss fairy doesn't leave too soon>

I think that I really "need" this to carry on to build up some willpower/motivation :)