Daily chat...

Jacqs - I've been PP/PVing with fruit since Monday, so will continue that, and am planning extra Dukan treats at the weekend to hopefully get me my first "clean" weekend in months. I'm very motivated, mind you - having nothing to wear yet two wardrobes full of clothes is an amazing motivator! Fruit hmm. I do have problems with stopping it entirely - particularly since I've seen how it helps me with errr transit issues! But needs must and if I can't behave, I'll have to plunge back in! I'll give it another week.

How idyllic Nikki. You paint a lovely picture. I've not been to H Island for quite a few years but you've reminded me that I should show it to my other half...

I can think of worse places to live. x
Went to see 'Late Middle Classes' which is set on hayling Island earlier in the year. It was really good, but didnt paint the most flattering picture....

Sorry about your news Beverley. Good luck with the job hunting, what sort of work are you looking for?
To be honest, apart from my house and it's proximity to the beach there is nothing to write home about when it comes to Hayling. It even got a mention in the book 'Crap Towns' ha ha ha
Proximity to the beach must make up for almost anything.

I dont envy my family that live in Cornwall often(I'm such a city girl) but I do love that beach smell, even if I hate what being by the sea does to my hair.
I've a snuffly dose and a sore throat at the moment and, coming from the South Coast myself, I always feel I need a sea walk to clear bugs out!
I miss that about being at 'home ' (parents house) they have a massive beach just behind them, and there is nothing on earth like it than a brisk walk on a chilly day to clear the head
Absolutely... and seeing Anja doing so well in Conso is REALLY encouraging me...

Ahh now you're piling on the pressure ;) I've been too relaxed this week who knows what tomorrow brings!
hey talking about cats and birds my 16 yearold cat(napoleon bonaparte) leo for short ,who doesnt live at home no more ,once caught a stirling and was trying to drag it through the kitchen window omg wot a sight that was and awful to watch i made him let go and locked him in the house for a while until he had forgotten the poor bird,he flew off thankfully !!!!!!!!!!!
Jo your scales sound amazing - got a link?

Have you updated your user cp ? as I do not understand kg at all :eek:

hope you're having a good day hun... x
isle of wight sounds nice mmmm i want to be abroad will settle for anywhere warm !!!!!
did look into Australia but the visas are soooooo expensive unless you get a sponsor.....
never mind when i win the lottery im going to travel round the world for a year lol
I can see the isle of wight from here, but have yet to venture over there. I dont do boats!
hey talking about cats and birds my 16 yearold cat(napoleon bonaparte) leo for short ,who doesnt live at home no more ,once caught a stirling and was trying to drag it through the kitchen window omg wot a sight that was and awful to watch i made him let go and locked him in the house for a while until he had forgotten the poor bird,he flew off thankfully !!!!!!!!!!!

The killing thing is just plain wrong. It's the only thing I dont like about cats. I once came home from work to find hundreds of feathers floating around the back door. When I opened it I found a HUGE, but completely bald dead pigeon laying on the floor! Bilbo had dragged it through the catflap and because the bird was so big he plucked it at the same time! :jelous:
You're not wrong hun. They do make up for it with cuddles tho. x
Me too Kay. Although I have my suspicions about one as she's so lazy I swear she takes the credit for other cats kills!
Aww bless fat lazy cat. Have a big ginger tom and two girly cats and they are all real killers. I have to shake my dogs bed out loads as she buries all sorts of dead animals in there that the cats had brought in :(. My tom ziggy had his head in my breakfast the other morning and would have ate it as he only had a quick lick before i came into the room. But then i remembered the headless mouse he was running round the garden with when i pegged the washing out keep the breakfast ziggy i'm not hungry lol.