Daily chat...

wheatbran helps you do number 2s
no i could cry i want ice cream. mint choc chip and something with nuts in and caramel and chocolate. and a flake :( :(


oh right im not to bad at the mo im not really craving anything yet !! but think its TOTM soon oh dear !!

p.s buy one for OH and just have a lick will that not help !
think totm is my problem. im chewing gum at the moment but its not helping. no that wont help ill want the lot :D
ok ,that normally helps me ,with my last diet and me having children i used to pinch a little bit of there dinner and that used to help a lot !!

if ur thinking a lot about it wot would u usually do ??
Sorry got busy then... try yoghurt in freezer... excellent...

Then tonight, make up some of that vanilla egg custard mix, and freeze... perfect vanilla icecream!

Over here, definitely banned!
I hear yer Lotto (name?) BUT I've even got a ploy for that... I write a good list out beforehand, when I work out the menus, and ONLY buy what's on my list...

I actually enjoy food shopping now, whereas I didn't before, cos on food shopping days I have fresh fish and prawns etc to snack on! Certain aisles obviously I don't frequent (cos they sell food which would block my arteries...), but on the whole I enjoy it cos I treat myself with, say, scallops... the odd pack of frozen gambas... even a lobster near Christmas time instead of the sort of stuff I used to buy. Once in ketosis, fear not, you'll be fine...

I've never online shopped - far too suspicious about their sell by dates (I've read things!)... I always dig far behind to buy my stuff! haaa!
with atkins you can eat any fat content you want? anyone know the reasoning behind the 0% fat dairy restriction on dukan?
yes atkins the more fat the better. pork scratchings butter, double cream cheese :) yum!!!! didnt lose that much weight on it though!

and the sorbet no cos we arent allowed fruit.
Im going to search out the egg custard mix now :D
Sorry got busy then... try yoghurt in freezer... excellent...

Then tonight, make up some of that vanilla egg custard mix, and freeze... perfect vanilla icecream!

Over here, definitely banned!
can u freeze it really ?
what the yog or egg custard??
I freeze anything and everything!

Fat free isn't easy to find in England, but it is over here... why? Hmm... not a question I've ever asked myself! Cos it's better for you, no doubt!

When I quit smoking (I used to smoke 30+ for years), I read somewhere that, if tempted when you see someone smoking, try to imagine the state of their lungs while you're cleaning yours out... (sometimes helped.)

I now try that with food... if I see someone eating something I fancy, if they're big, no problem, but if they're slim? hmm...
if theyre slim...you hate them ;)

or its the only thing they have eaten all month lol.

Thanks Jo now i want a ciggie too lmao ;)
well my partner eats everything and anything and sometimes i could slap his face ,but i just pinch a chip instead lol !

p.s and is not slim lol
Lol. My BF eats anything he likes and never puts on :(