Daily chat...

mmmmmmmmmmmm cant do nothing with those babies !!
Lol. my bras are now too big :(
Mine aren't cos I was bursting out (with fat) before... but they are small bras! Alas! Jet needs to learn to share!
rightio ladies im off for a while now need to shower will do step on wii and have some lunch !!

catch you all later ,i really appreciate you a lot !!

thanks ladies !!
ok enjoy hon xxx
Afternoon people :)

Sorry I've been out this morning but was thinking of you all hence the first thing I've done is log in since I've got back - load of wet washing waiting to go out and here I am typing away... :8855:

Hope you have a good night tonight Jet - I need me some magic pants!! bought some jeans to fit into "when I've lost weight" so it's annoying that at the moment there's serious overspill...magic pants could be the answer....

Is it naughty that I weighed myself already this morning? :) sooooooo impatient

Hope everyone's having a good day thus far and that

Vicky is enjoying her yogice

and Joanne isn't melting in that extraordinary heat :S (is it me or is everywhere warmer this year?)

Off to eat my first thing of the day... didn't have time for breakfast so it's been water all the way today :)
Hello there Lotto (is there something else we should call you?!!)...

Firstly, re the no breakfast - so NOT GOOD!! Your metabolism only starts racing once you eat, so a wasted morning!! (Leastwise that's what I was always told... so make breakfast part of your routine - even if, like me, you can't stomach it first thing!).

And as for titilating us with the "I weighed myself this morning" WITHOUT spilling the beans! come on? fess up!!!

Yeah it's horrible... I'm fed up with being hot and bothered... this will break at the weekend apparently...

Are you apple or pear shaped? I've a "small" waist and mammoth hips so I don't tend to get overspill but more that things get stuck halfway up my thunder thighs!!!
hello :D

Is it naughty that I weighed myself already this morning? :) sooooooo impatient
you are supposed to weigh in every day honey :D no seriously!

i find magic pants just make the fat move further upwards...hmmm wonder if they would make my bra fit?
im a pear shape jo. big bum and thighs but can feel my ribs and no boobaloobs :(
*ahem* <stands up and adjusts herself> (sorry)

Hello everyone :), my name is Sarah and I'm a foodaholic :wave_cry: <hangs her head in shame>:eek:

So....the scales...apparently 2lb loss from yesterday (not bad considering the non low carb brekkie yesterday)...though it has been TOTM so maybe that's water bloat gone for another 30 days :)...

What body shape am I - well with the weight gone, hourglass (broad shoulders and equally broad hips with something for a decent waist in the middle :))

at the mo there's a little more sand at the bottom of my hourglass, on hips n thighs :S...hmmm so verging on pear?

need to dig out a measuring tape STAT!

my BMI is now lower :) yay...I'm in attack phase for today and tomorrow.

at my highest I was 14st 10 a few years ago, got down to 10st 7 after the birth of my daughter and am now hovering in the high 12s though at xmas I tipped the scale at 13 :S

If magic pants shift all your fat in a northernly direction I would be left with an extraordinary bust :D
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Hi Sarah ;)

ooh measuring tape good idea
too hot oop north. im nearly falling asleep here :(
You write really well Sarah... I enjoy reading your prose!!

Vicky - if I read you correctly, you're wondering whether wearing magic knickers on your boobs might help them rise?!!! (worth a try girl!!)... I too am not very well endowed but M&S have a bra which "assists" me in that department (so I bought about six of them in three different colours, haaaaa!)...

oh no measuring tape! On the Dukan official site, when coached, you're supposed to measure yourself every day too... it's true that, say, over a month you do see a difference, but every day? I soon stopped doing that! It meant little to me anyway as the French measure in centimetres... so having 90cm boobs amused me...
Tired too... now shall I drink a HOT cup of diet coffee?? or a WARM can of coke? decisions decisions!
hot coffee :D
"diet coffee"? that's a good one!
Joanne - thanks for the compliment :) I shall to keep it up!

as for measurements - I'm imperial all the way....I can't get my head around cms/ kgs etc... so while we still measure road distance in miles I'll still measure my boobs in inches :)

hmm coffee is way better for you than coke so I'd go coffee :)

trying to decide what to do this afternoon have had breakfast now of sorts but need to get lunch out of the way before I head out again.... hmm decisions....