Daily chat...

Talking of street cred Vicks, are you still wearing the penguin mask
Great link Vicky... definitely the sort of thing you need to try on, made up, so that you look good. (Like when I go to the hairdresser's to get my highlights done - have to go properly made up else it's horrid seeing yourself with no hair and no makeup!!!). I have a big head - or used to when I'd have to find a horseriding hat!

Gosh mouse... actually, with my meat + veg lunches, I'm consuming fewer eggs than normal also... that can easily be remedied mind!
erm not at work - the masks are made for children and the eyes are rather small. :) at home i do though ;)
the dogs love it surprisingly must be an improvement for them x
Morning frozen peoples...LOL its 32 here today so I will be sweating my bum off!
Hope everyone had a great day and not to cold!! The snow sounds great, Wish it would snow here sometimes! It does but not where I am :)
Everytime I see someone write they need to go winkling??? It makes me smile what are they again? Seafood shelly things?
Have never even seen a euro, but seeing the NZ $$ is strange again they seem like monsters and very bright and the coins are switched to our ones here and the 50cents are round :)
Well have a great night/day guys,
Oh how I could do with 32 and in the sun, I so miss the heat on my bones during the winter. Just made my first muffins dukan style forgot the baking powder so a little on the small side, boy they smell so nice when cooking not sure of the texture but am sure it will grow on me LOL
I adore my breakfast muffins... each and every morning... I put a cube of smoked salmon in each, and split a crabstick for three (photo recipe thread p.1)...
I think the Daily Mail irks everyone, doesn't it?:)

I used to like BBC online but they've changed their site so I can't access the UK news as easily. Oh and The Sunday Post, but I'd have to pay for that now.

For the record for those who may be lurking and considering Dukan, I'm not a size 8 Parisian :rolleyes: and I got through the first 2 stages just fine without even tasting cottage cheese (can't get it, or I'd have had some!) It's not as restrictive as they'd have you believe. Why on earth did they do this article? The Daily Mail had (proper, informed) Dukan findings a few months ago. *sigh*

Anyway, it's cold out there today. I have an appointment at the library to prepare Christmas open day for younger kids next month. Apart from that, it will be spent clearing up the house.:(
It really is annoying when they get their facts so wrong! I often find, when home, that I'm having to defend Europe in general, and France specifically... (yet when here, it's quite the reverse!)

I don't know many size 8 Parisians (who don't smoke!)...
Sadly one persons views could put so many off trying this as someone who has tried every diet under the sun and never lost more than 7lb I found the protien liquid diet and this was the first time I had had a good loss and not felt hungry but having so much to lose I found it so restricting esp when going out and as life is too short I just felt like I wasn't living then I found this diet via Minimins I know I'm only two weeks in but it is easy(even whilst trying to get it right LOL) it means I can eat with my family and then I will be able to socialize without bringing attention to myself, I have had a few moments where I've thought oh no more meat but now on cruise it is fine, so anyone reading make your own mind up give it a go and read the recipe's they make it a lot easier!!! ( sorry for the essay peeps)
Essays are good!!

I'm the first to knock Dukan, having been in and around it for years, and having seen how some people (like me) have problems with stabilising after low carb... and the yoyoing is quite violent.

BUT, giving the public the wrong information is stupid. I'm honest with the correct information at least and then it's up to the individual to do what they can with it.

Consolidation is the most difficult time and it's glossed over... Anja and Robin and Kids too have kept diaries in Conso and we can see it's possible! (Just gonna be difficult at the end of the year for those in Cruise...).

I went into Conso at target in 1997 on Dec 24. BIG MISTAKE!!
Essays are good!!

I'm the first to knock Dukan, having been in and around it for years, and having seen how some people (like me) have problems with stabilising after low carb... and the yoyoing is quite violent.

BUT, giving the public the wrong information is stupid. I'm honest with the correct information at least and then it's up to the individual to do what they can with it.

Consolidation is the most difficult time and it's glossed over... Anja and Robin and Kids too have kept diaries in Conso and we can see it's possible!
(Just gonna be difficult at the end of the year for those in Cruise...).

I went into Conso at target in 1997 on Dec 24. BIG MISTAKE!!

I'm find conso easy, I'm so happy to be able to have fruit daily and cheese too, of course. I've discovered that I don't like pasta very much any more (and it bloats me), but I do like potatoes and rice, so as long as the carbs go in somehow I don't suppose it matters what they are. I'm planning a massive beef/chicken couscous next week as my carbs meal so will see how that goes (since couscous is basically pasta). Just a case of finding a workable balance. I'm happy to have meat/fish/veg without the carbs (and often did before - just had bread to bulk it out which I can happily not have now) and certainly won't go back to daily carb portions once on phase IV.

I've had the odd thing (slice of cake, glass of whisky) that's not part of plan but it doesn't seem to make much difference. Mind you, weigh-in is tomorrow;) so we'll see.
It's great seeing how well you guys are doing!
I can't imagine ever eating "Normally" again but am sure i'll get there.
Does anyone else find th PV days give you some stomach pain?
Wake up England... posted that hours ago!! haaa!