Daily chat...

Great news, Vickki, that's not too long to wait now.:)
brill news Vik lets hope it all gets sorted
oh I am pleased to hear that Vickki... What a relief!
Off topic Jo or Laura ???? what region is around Paris looking on the F1 sites ect and want to book hotels nr disneyand paris but not sure what regions they come under still toying with the campsite ive found as it works out 30 euros a night and its not far from either
Paris is region 75...

Disneyland, Marne la Vallée, is in region 77. Here's a good map of M la V:
Carte de Marne-la-Vallée

and here one showing the regions around Paris (Disney being in 77)
Carte d'Ile-de-France

How does this campsite look?
(never camped, so wouldn't have a clue)
(Just double checked on arrival at work, and it's 60km from Paris, so a bit far...)
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Can't really add to Jo's post.

I think we're going in late August/early Sept (Paris first - should be deserted, then Disney - hopefully just for the day at the very beginning of September - hoping for the deserted scenario again). Then back here just in time for school.:D

Cold out but nice. Youngest managed an hour of school yesterday then I had to go and bring him home (he was fine within an hour, so think he was just tired). Now daughter is complaining of sore stomach and headache so it's being passed around nicely. I'm still coughing (and getting fed up of drinking honey, etc and sucking sugar-free sweets - the upside of this is that I have no appetite at all - am full up on sugar and sugar-substitutes) and my stomach muscles have been exercised thoroughly (ouch). Eldest off on an activity day with school (biathlon training:eek:). Glad it's not me supervising 11 year olds with guns and happy that I don't have to be in the vicinity!

Fingers crossed that it's only us and that you're all in fine fettle!

Hope everyone has a good day, sofa and good book beckon! That will be the most energetic all day, I think, until I have to go and retrieve the pre-teens from school this afternoon.
I love Paris in August - although late August is possibly pushing it a little as people no longer seem to take the whole month, particularly with schools starting back early September... and that ever growing list of "back to school stationery" to purchase!

So sorry you're unwell...
Paris is region 75...

Disneyland, Marne la Vallée, is in region 77. Here's a good map of M la V:
Carte de Marne-la-Vallée

and here one showing the regions around Paris (Disney being in 77)
Carte d'Ile-de-France

How does this campsite look?
(never camped, so wouldn't have a clue)
(Just double checked on arrival at work, and it's 60km from Paris, so a bit far...)

thatnks Jo ....misery has decided hes not camping now lol !!!! so im back looking on the f1 and bb sites
Great news re your Mum Vickki - although the first time I read it that she had a 'date' rather than an op date, for a moment :-0
To be honest, Tan, I was wondering about the weather at that time of year for camping. It could snow still!! haaaa!

Is this for the whole period you're looking for lodging, or is it just a couple of nights at the end? 2 adults, 2 kids?
lol confusing list ahead !!!
we need a room on the sunday night then we are at disney on the mon to weds nights so want rooms thurs and friday night
its 2 adult and 3 children ...so most want you to have 2 rooms bt the littelst is 5 looks like a 3 year old so i refuse to pay out for 2 rooms for her ,,,,,
have the same problem on the saturday night this end as were staying nearer to dover as going to an expo in london on the saturday arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and im also waiting to find out about OH skills assesment cos if it comes up when i think it might i could be doing disney on my own with the kids
Hmm. A room for 4 into which a little 5th one could sneak? You might be pushing it! haaa!
lol but worth a try
I just found you a room in Paris, at €360 a night for four! haaaa! Oh actually, that's probably for the two nights... and the little one will fit in a bag to be carried in?!!
roflmao !!!!!!!!!!! was thinking one of those holdalls on wheels she would fit in that !!
been looking at the F1 site can get 2 rooms for 50.00 so not too bad
That's great - in city centre? or near M-la-V? No problems if out there - plenty of people commute that far on a daily basis. No need to pay Paris prices necessarily...

One thing Scrumps - be sure to get everyone a European Medical Card, won't you? You never know, and you pay upfront for everything over here. I paid €140 for an xray yesterday :-(
That's great - in city centre? or near M-la-V? No problems if out there - plenty of people commute that far on a daily basis. No need to pay Paris prices necessarily...

One thing Scrumps - be sure to get everyone a European Medical Card, won't you? You never know, and you pay upfront for everything over here. I paid €140 for an xray yesterday :-([/QUOTE]

:eek:No tiers payant?
No, and they've only taken the carte vitale for a year or so (before which we'd wait months for reimbursement from insurance!). Now I'm clever and make sure to make my appointments at the beginning of months, pay with carte bleue, and usually get it back by end of month!