Daily chat...

morning all gorgeous day here almost a frost, went for an hours walk with the dogs at 8.30am so a good start to the day. Housework and laundry day today, am going to change all the beddings etc.
I put a big joint of Rump Beef in the oven on very low at 8am with a drop of water and covered it with tin foil, am going to steam it all day until about 5pm mmmmmm, I will probably have mine with garlic and a sauce made out of soy sauce and oyster sauce. Just had my galette with ham and egg and got chilli for lunch.
Morning all... quite a sunny mild day (I think) outside and I walked to work without needing gloves... BUT it rained and was terribly windy all weekend.

Busy at work too, so be back later hopefully...
Its frosty and cold here, the road was a bit slippery when I went for my walk. I am just off up to my shed, its going to be sooo cold up there, but I need to make lots of Christmassy soaps. I love Christmas :)
Hi everyone,

yes it was lovely and sparkly frosty this morning here, I had to scrape the car at 9am, before we could go off to our swimming lesson.

Cathy - that sounds lovely - how to you make them? Melt & pour in shapes / with bits or from scratch (suppose it's a bit late if they have to cure?) One year I made soaps of the second kind and they were such a hit! If you choose your ingredients carefully you can make really gentle and rich soaps. In any case HAVE FUN. I think I'll concentrate on cooking / baking this year! I've been looking out Christmas baking recipes now I have to draw up a battle plan on when I can make them as some need to rest overnight and so on, and some ought to mature for a few weeks too.
freezing here thats all im saying !!!
Good Morning everyone! I am slow to rise this morning...Spent all day yesterday helping a friend out painting..my whole body is in pain today, but it was worth helping.... I am on task today and moving straight ahead..I can't do an official weigh in till next week...my scale is broken and the one I purchased to replace it is not so good, so I am going to purchase the same brand and model next weekend that I had b4. I am flushing my system today so I will be doing alot of running back n forth...probably tmi, lol. Hope all is having a great day/night!
Morning guys, Hows everyone????
Good news my mum got a date for her op, Bad news its when Im in NZ so Im preying they will change it by a week so I can be back and in Brisbane with her, If not my brother will go up, Bugger knew that would happen!! I reallllly want to be with my mammie especially for such a big procedure, I guess everything happens for a reason and there must be a reason for that date aye?????

Well have a great night/day all, Im off to wake the kidlets up!!
Hope it goes well for her whenever it is.

Super cold and frosty today, going to have to walk further the cold is making me go faster.
Morning all,

My other half left me :-( at bed time last night to drive to England, and he too told me how cold it is over there! I expect we'll get your cold here soon, but for now still mild... (He'll be back this afternoon... but going straight to the house with his loot - my sister's offloading some furniture - and staying there tonight...).

Vicky - what operation is your Mum having again? You'll have to remind us nearer the time so that we send our best vibes over...

Kelly - sounds like you're being active which will help burn up those calories!

Best wishes to your Mum, Vickki. Hope everything goes well when the op date comes round.

It's cold and damp here, the rain has calmed but it is still horrible out there. Done the shopping, a stint on the exercise bike and am now having a coffee before I get the house clean-ish.

Hope all have a good day.:)
OMG three teens in one house a laugh at times but sometimes aaarrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Morning guys, :)
Jo mums having her kidney removed and she has 3 other **Things** on her other side they are sure as yet what they are, S'posed to be doing a biopsy but thats yet to be done and now shes booked in on the 6th Dec to have the kidney out, Not sure what will happen there. Its just horrible to see her like this she seems so well, Always been a worker, Isnt sick at all and yet this happens :( She'll be fine though, I hope :)

So whats everyone up to today??? Its starting to rain here again, God cant win with this weather! Im off to the drs this morning, Hate dr's! then home to do ummmmmmm Nothing probably till its time to get the kids from school......
Well have a great day/night all Im off to wake the last 3 kids up and try and get them downstairs, Ones up so I guess thats a start :)

Early start (too early) for us as eldest is off on a field trip today (orienteering). It is so cold out there too, he has plenty of layers on though, so he'll probably be too hot.

Trying to motivate the youngest to get dressed so that we can go out, we have a leaflet drop to do for school fundraising.

Apart from that, same old...

Hope everyone's OK!
Morning Laura! At least you can sit down later knowing you have done your good deed for the day and got some exercise as part of it!
Brrr orienteering remember it well from school, it always seemed to rain too.
I went for a shorter walk than usual this morning, its very windy and my ears were so sore :( forgot my ear muffs. I had to hold on to the fence on the way home quite a few times
Hi guys, Hey wanted to ask........
Went to the drs today and my BP is low, Never been before and she said I need to eat more carbs, Do you think this diet can cause that problem??? Cause Im not eating any and not planning on doing it till I hit **my** weight :) Just wanted to see everyones thoughts on it..... and I have been fine until thursday when I got the dam hayfever/virus thingo.

Ok Im off to bed now to play on the Ipad (love that thing!!) Have a great day all xxxxxxxx