Daily chat...

Three PPs will be fine Vickki... glad you enjoyed your vacation (pics of this suntanned you will be forthcoming I presume ;))
Welcome back Vickki:). I always did an extra PP day after a weekend invite (so 3 in a row instead of PP PV PP) and always came out with a loss on WI.

Glad you had a good time, hope you're not suffering with the peeling skin for too long.

And yes, it's cold here. But I'm grateful that it's 'just' cold and that we don't have the snow that some do. Apparently it's Russia's fault;) and we have its weather.

This morning/afternoon I am wrapping the kids' Christmas presents (and those that are for friends' kids too) as the holidays start Friday evening and I only have today free to get them done. I wish I was more artistic, I'm sure my youngest could make them look better!

Anyway, hope everyone is well!
Morning guys :) Lovely day here today.
How did the wrapping go Laura? I have to pick up my laybys today and try and hide them from the kids then wrap them before Xmas, So slow this year Im usually done by June!
Kids finish school tomorrow for about 6 weeks..god help me! Husband has his op tomorrow and my puppy is getting his haircut so will be a busy wednesday for me.
Thanks jo and Laura for the PP info :)
Dam it just realised my nose ring is missing, Better go find the dam thing!...............
Have a great day/night guys! :) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Welcome home Vicks! Sounds like you did really well, not gaining too much whilst away. Glad you had a nice time.
Hello there Vickki and well done on getting straight back on plan.

Christmas Day for me will be at my sister and brother-in-laws... and we'll be bringing my soon to be 97 year old Nana with us. I do hope there's no snow or ice though cos I'd hate for her to fall on "my shift", so to speak.

What will you be eating in Australia for Christmas dinner?
Morning all :) Well operation day for my husband..hence being up early! Hate early :)

Jo I will be going to my friends mum's house, Not sure what we will be having, They are lebanese and arminion(Sp?) so probably a huge range of food as they are known for...LOL.
My mum was s'posed to be coming to sydney for xmas but the hospital stuffed up those plans again :( Im so not xmassy this year!! Hate the xmas music in shopping centers, No tree, no decorations, sent no cards, God I sound like scrooge!

Ok guys have a great day, Best move my bum and get the old dude to hospital :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
aww hun ...hope today goes fine and you can find a little xmas spirit before long xxxxx
Hi Vick, I am well thanks. Hope poor Hubbie is ok post-op. Have a busy day out at a client's and so not been home long :-( Don't think I can be bothered to eat:mad:
-6°C out there... nope not walking all the way to work today... brrrr...
OMG Jo thats cold! It's plus 3.6 degrees here today so positively balmy compared to you LOL. I am not looking fwd to Friday though where they are predicting minus 6 for us!
I walked... (no applause though, cos it was in "payment" for the birthday lunch I had with a colleague yesterday!!)... It was cold but the other half filled my Ipod with Christmas cheer at the weekend, so it was a cold but smiley Jo who arrived at the office this morning!

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY <think Noddy Holder voice!>
Nice! I've got a whole collection of Christmas carols here too - kiddie ones and traditional German ones and they put me in a festive mood when I play them at home... But the best one for walking and cheering me up every time is my Muse compilation :-D puts a swing in my step every time... I'm still walking 3 days a week as DH still has my bike since his broke beyond economical repair and we're too busy to sort a new one for him.

Now TODAY I'm at home with DD2 who's come down with a temperature and earache (can't tell if it's her throat or her ears though) so we had minimal sleep last night etc etc...
Hope your daughter is better now, Anja. We've been lucky and just had normal coughs/colds to contend with - not bad considering I have 3 children at 3 different schools, so lots of bugs to share!

It's cold out, but not windy, so feels warmer than it has all week. Snow though (gah) but not too much (yet - more forecast today). I have to go to eldest's school (10 km away) to get his report card/see his teachers this afternoon, so hope I'll be able to get there.

We have friends coming this weekend (unless snow stops play) so a house to be cleaned and food to be prepared.

Hope all have a good day.:)
morning all we had a tiny bit of snow last night , still had to take the kids to school , scary experience slid down the hill ....got panicked by 2 blue lighted police landrovers at a junction , and the road to the school was awful ,,,,, only 8 miles up the road they have closed roads and schools .
have a good day all
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I'm sitting pretty in the city, where the sun is shining brightly, cars from the 'burbs have snow on, but it all feels mild here...

It's like being in a twilight zone... weather warnings everywhere here... yet not in the little part of the universe where I am currently sitting!
Morning guys :) Hows everyone going? God not long till santa comes!!!
I have decided to get my hair done today, Something I hate doing!! More so as it costs so much, Today will be $220 Thankyou!! So hate hairdressers and Im going from having hair past my shoulders to very short, I usually do this everytime I have a baby but this time no baby, Thank god :) Wish me luck, I figure its only hair so can grow back if I hate it...LOL.

Our wedding anniversary on thursday, 12 years..uummmm have decided not to go out for dinner, 1 he is still recovering from his op and 2 I better not go cause I will eat bad and want to save naughtyness till xmas :) I got my pressie already picked it up at Duty free on the way back from NZ, Flowerbomb parfum , Smells nice!!! and the Ipad I already pinched and used a mth ago...lol.

Hows the weather for everyone?? Ours is nice and warm today but having showers xmas and boxing day, Such strange weather usually we are in the high 30's by now not having cold days and the amount of flooding we are getting in Oz ATM.

Have a great night/day guys, Hope your all doing well :) xxxxxxxxx
hi Vickki glad your doing ok
sounds expensive for your hair im glad my friend does it still costs 35.00 but thats mates rates
happy 12 years hun ....weve done nearly 12 but never did the deed lol!!!
cold and snowy over here as ever
happy 12 years hun ....weve done nearly 12 but never did the deed lol!!!

Ah but there's still time. We were together for 15 before actually making it official. So every anniversary I think 'this could be more by now'... This past autumn: together for 22 years but married for 7... And no regrets either! DH was worried it would 'break' something...