Day 1 for the last time


Full Member
Have officially weighed today and have been the heaviest I have been since loosing over 3 stone. So today I am announcing my start weight of 13.9 3/4. I had been down to 11.13. Then self sabotage set in big time. So here I go again. This time I will not going to give up. I am also going to try and not weigh myself for 5 weeks. This maybe harder than sticking to the diet as I am a scale fanatic. :) any advice would be welcomed I am also planning on being on here a lot :)
I just started yesterday and a scale junkie i got a lot more to lose. Day 2 had porridge just trying to stick to the diet till hols in 3 wks then bak on it wen i get bak. The porridge is ok xx
Good luck. I'm on day 2 and I don't feel so hungry today so it gets easier. Good luck! X
Good luck Wee and everyone else x
I hate my scales but guilty of never being off the bloody things. I could throw them away but then I'd make an excuse for why I needed some and go buy more. Mine are actually named "the Bas***d" I'll say "lets see what the B*****d tells me today" or I'll say (well whinge really) to BF "The B*****d said I put 2 lbs on today" :)