Day 1 Nearly Over


Hi everyone!

I started CD today and I'm feeling ok, which is a bit of a shock if I'm honest!
I dont even want to cheat and long may it continue!
Had 2litres of water so far and going for a third before bed.
Had soup and one porridge today - who allowed that porridge to be sold? Absolutely vile!

Any tips for a newbie ;)
I'm day 2! big well done! I was also surprised that it was easier than I expected (easier not easy though!) but we'll see by day 4 haha.
what soup did you have?
Chicken and Mushroom, was surprised how nice it was, just like a regular cuppasoup.
Yeah its not easy, I avoided the kitchen at dinner time and my CDC was lovely and said it will be easier after the first few days. I have the vegetable soup and the tomato soup but Ive seen some nasty reviews about that one on the forums..
What soups have you had?
Have you tried the porridge? It was horrendous!
I know! Its been quite tough but I'm glad I'm doing it..
Today I had the chicken and mushroom soup which was nice, like regular cuppa soup.
Just avoided the kitchen at meal times and my CDC said it will be easier after the first few days :)
I have the veg soup and the tomato soup so gonna give them a try. Also have some chocolate and mint chocolate shakes and briks.
And that porridge! So disgusting!
What soups/shakes have you tried??
My whole family's doing it so I'm finding it much easier, as we have eachother for support too.

I've tried tomato soup and oriental chili and didn't like either, but I'm not a huge soup person, the veg was pretty decent though. From the shakes I've tired Cappuccino, Toffee and Walnut (YUM!) Choc mint and Butterscotch and enjoyed them all so far, looking forward to trying some bars in a few weeks. My dad tried the porridge and we swapped them!

I'm fin
Sorry for the double post there, didnt think the first one worked!
Ah good stuff.
Just me doing the diet in my house, which is fine but when I go to my boyfriends house he'll have to take his food elsewhere!
Yeah I think I will probably prefer the soups tbh, but I'm willing to try them all.
Hoping for a quick 12 weeks.. haha!
I love choc and strawberry shakes. Original porridge is ok. Maple & pecan porridge made me gag. Good luck. I found it easier by day 5.
Yeah, when I'm at my Boyfriend's he's been warned. no 14in pizzas to himself cause I won't be his friend anymore! he's agreed to be nice.
Is your boyfriend supportive?
Hi I'm on day 8, having a bad nt tonight but on the whole it's been not to bad. The tomato soup is vile the oriental chilli is not bad at all. The water is the hard part, and going too the loo every 10mins haha good luck
Haha i know! been in and out the toilet all day, never usually drink water so its been tough but I got through it better than I thought.
Is the original porridge the apple & cinnamon one? Didn't fancy that one either..
Yeah he's been great, in saying that its only day one, not looking forward to him (probably) sauntering home with a kebab at the weekend!
Is the oriental chilli spicy??

Thanks everyone for the replies, its great to know there are other people starting out :)
Managed the first 3 days, had 1 and a half litres of water so far today but I got up late (12ish) so still on track.
Bit of PMS today and I reeeeally wanted to eat so I just made myself a coffee with a little skimmed milk and feeling much better :)
Roll on Tuesday for hopefully some motivational results on the scales!!!
Hey well done on your first day =) For me the first 2 days were a breeze compared to days 3,4,5 they were really tough not saying that to put you off just so you can maybe be prepared if the same goes for you from day 6 though it became much easier.. Im in my 5th week now no cheats so far but thats not saying i dont have the odd day that may be tougher than others.. Good luck wishing ja happy losses =) I know that you know this but the water is so important =D