Day 100 ... is it over yet?


Full Member
So I thought Day 100 would be a fabulous (or flab-you-less in our house) day, woke up thinking yay what an achievement, then I stood up and the monster headache that plagued me for most of yesterday attacked with a vengeance. Took the kids to school in the freezing rain, came home the mother of all headaches was joined by the father of all stomach cramps .......Ooooh yes I remember this too well .... the last time I had agony and screwed hormones like this at the beginning of the dreaded TOTM was last time I was this weight!

Deep joy - so 100 days of trying really hard to get down to a weight I havn't been since before I had the kids, and only now do I remember that back then I had to lock myself away with industrial pain killers for 4 days every month!


But I guess at least I'll look better for the other 22 days in the month!

Hope you guys are having a good week!
Hey just noticed your post hun!! Huge hug from me!!!

It's rubbish but think of the water loss! ;) hope you feel better soon!

I'm having the same "F_CK YOU OVARIES" kinda day today hon - I definitely feel your pain!! :(