Total Solution Day 2 of Exante - need encouragement!

Hooray! Got through the first nightmare week and lost 4lbs! I'm quite happy with that as I've got TOTM and I'm short (5'), too!

How's everyone else doing? :)

Congratulations on your 4lbs! :) I managed 6lbs but I didn't do 100% the full week so keep thinking what I could have lost...although I am very happy with the first weigh in
Well Done Calorina and Jadeypops on your weight loss!! i weigh in tomorrow morning so fingers crossed!x
Jadeypops, that's brilliant! Especially as you weren't 100%. I popped out of ketosis a couple of times (a bar, I think, and accidentally drank green tea with flavouring) so I had an extra pack one day, and I've still lost! So I'm pretty happy.

Muffin, best of luck for tomorrow - keeping everything crossed for you. You're doing excellently :)
Fingers crossed muffin, am sure you will do fine. I'm going to try and be 100% this week and see if I can do even better. But pretty pleased so far. Loving this diet and the support on this forum. Thanks ladies! xx