Day 2 :-)

So far so good. Determination is seeing me through, but know the worst is yet to come. Last time I did this diet day 3 was awful! Any tips on what I can do tomorrow to not cave in?? Xxx
Just keep yourself really busy and get to bed early! It's what I did and it worked :) x
Arrrgghhh it's a nightmare isn't it??!! I could of shoved my whole face in my son's tea last night lol!! Just think of how amazing you are going to look and it will help the willpower no end :) x
How far in are you? Oh cookin is awful. i normally pick so much and i have to keep slapping my hands lol. Im just looking at these ketostix online. Have you tried them? i think keeping reminding myself and seeing a test that im in ketosis will keep me going... or am i just going mental coz im so bloody hungry lol :confused: xx
I'm on day 8 now - I lost 9lbs in my first week and soooop happy!! Quiet a few people are commenting on how my face has slimmed down today so glad it is showing so quickly.

I bought the ketostix, they are really good for checking u'r in ketosis. I'm having a difficult day today because I forgot to bring my shakes to work, so going to get a chicken salad for lunch and hope I don't fall out of ketosis. It's a god send having the sticks so I can put my mind at rest tonight!! They're not expensive and they certainly help me xx
Day one for me and I loving it so far. I have actually found it pretty easy but i think its just cos i am so excited to loose weight. I must admit that cooking spaghetti and meatballs (one of my meals) for the kids was easy until i had to dish it up, i literally had to stop myself from licking the sauce off my fingers :( I sat inn the living room and played Tetris on facebook while the kids ate. I was so proud of myself for not tasting any, I know its only day one but if i can maintain this strength I know i can get through it :) I've started to get head achey already, is that normal on the first day?
Yeah I had terrible headaches on days 2 and 3, have been ok but had another one today. I'm loving this diet so far - cant believe it's taken this long for me to try it!! X
Hey love x good luck with yr journey x
Yeah I had terrible headaches on days 2 and 3, have been ok but had another one today. I'm loving this diet so far - cant believe it's taken this long for me to try it!! X

i'm loving it! Right now it doesnt seem like i'm on a diet cos i havent had to plan meals or weigh anything. I think having the shakes/soups already weighed its just a case of choosing what flavour and a way we go. I wish i had tried a meal replacement diet long before now, i was just scared i guess :( Well i'm off to bed feeling rather pleased with myself for sticking to it today, cant wait for my first weigh in :) Night
WOW! LeaE you have done amazingly well, such a huge loss. How has it been so far? I am so inspired by people like you, i hope that it will be me in a few months time x
emmrgrs640 said:
i'm loving it! Right now it doesnt seem like i'm on a diet cos i havent had to plan meals or weigh anything. I think having the shakes/soups already weighed its just a case of choosing what flavour and a way we go. I wish i had tried a meal replacement diet long before now, i was just scared i guess :( Well i'm off to bed feeling rather pleased with myself for sticking to it today, cant wait for my first weigh in :) Night

Yeah I feel exactly the same - I always avoided them because I couldn't see how a shake or soup could fill you up! When is your WI? My next one is Sunday but I'll have to wait 3 weeks for my one after that as my CDC is on her jollies :/
Oh really?! dont worry yourll sail through the 3 weeks. i did go to bed so early last night. like 6 o clock. slept awful! but day 4 now and can smell the ketosis on my breath lol! xx
Mmmmm ketosis breath....lovely! Ha!! I keep toothpaste and mouthwash at work now because I'm do paranoid I'm offending colleagues lol.

Well done you for making it through the dreaded day 3, it'll start getting a little easier now :)
My first WI will be on Monday, today is day two :) I woke up a few times in the night feeling hungry and just generally restless. thank goodness its school holidays so i don't have to wake up at the crack of dawn haha Really looking forward to my apple and cinnemon porridge, it better be good cos i am STARVING! haha
Ah I've got that in my drawer at work but decided to have a vanilla shake instead - let me know what you think! xx
Lol i know, sooo attractive!! Im not going to try the cinnemon one... was it ok?my friend said it was awful so going to swop the packet for a normal one. im sticking to the pre made shakes in this heat! xx
I've not tried it yet, had the vanilla shake and oriental chilli soup for lunch. Having choc mint shake for tea so I've liked it all today :) x
I loved the porridge, decided to have it for tea cos thats when i'm really hungry. When i poured out the powder i was thinking how the hell is that gonna make porridge haha But once it was cooked it did resemble ready break. It tasted gorgeous! Loved it, sweet and stodgy and quite comforting. I will defo be getting that again, going to try the maple one tomorrow. I has the spicy tomato soup for lunch which was also quite nice, would have been even better with a slice of bread though hahahaha
Banana milkshake for breakfast was yummy, i stacked a pint glass up with ice and poured it over and i really enjoyed it. So overall todays food has been good, i must admit at around 2pm i was so hungry and my tummy was rumbling loudly and i started to feel quite tired. My children were laughing at me for dozing off every 5 mins haha So bath and early bed for me.

I am loving this diet so far, How has everyone else been?