Day 3 and desperatley trying not to self destruct


Full Member
Im nearing the end of day 3, so far I am hanging on by a thread. MY stomach isnt hungry, but my head sooooooo is. I am absolutely craving a bacon sandwich nothing else... in fact a Mc bacon roll to be exact... I am feeling so miserable and sorry for myself, self loathing may be the best words..... I presume ketosis hasnt kicked in, well I hope not, and that it will be here shortly to give me the kick I need.
Then Im panicking... "What if it has!!!"
and this is how its going to stay, now I know this diet isnt easy and you only get out of it what you put in.. but pigsy in my head is making every excuse imaginable!!!!
Is this normal around now, or am I just using self destructive patterns that are going to beat me
I hate to sign this "from the defeatest" but my logical head is reading this too!!!
Hey Flobble, you're not the only one who feels like this. Everyone who is or has been on this programme has felt like this at some point. I can only tell you it will ge better. I can share some tips with you on how I tackle these thoughts.

1- Write down your thoughts, it can help and you'll be able to see what sort of situations or moments trigger these feelings.

2- Think about what you will gain if you give in to your thoughts and what you'll achieve if you continued your fight against it.

3- Look at the alternative foods which you'll be able to enjoy once you've reached your goal.

4- Always tell yourself that you are strong and you're going to make it no matter how dominant the food seems.

5- Drink loads of water- it can suppress the hunger

I hope this helps you. And lastly, come here regularly, we are all going through the same thing and we can be each others support and motivation. Good luck hunny, you will succees- believe in yourself.
Im nearing the end of day 3, so far I am hanging on by a thread. MY stomach isnt hungry, but my head sooooooo is. I am absolutely craving a bacon sandwich nothing else... in fact a Mc bacon roll to be exact... I am feeling so miserable and sorry for myself, self loathing may be the best words..... I presume ketosis hasnt kicked in, well I hope not, and that it will be here shortly to give me the kick I need.
Then Im panicking... "What if it has!!!"
and this is how its going to stay, now I know this diet isnt easy and you only get out of it what you put in.. but pigsy in my head is making every excuse imaginable!!!!
Is this normal around now, or am I just using self destructive patterns that are going to beat me
I hate to sign this "from the defeatest" but my logical head is reading this too!!!

NO NO NO youl be in ketosis today and its your head messing with your head honestly - if you cock up tonight youl hate yourself afterwards and realise what the hell was the point - been there, your so lucky to be on day 3 and nearly there.

Your doing so fab - if you have to have a nother pack sweetie!!! and drink some water - you really are doing so well.

Head hungar is a ***** i know!!!
Thanks for the support guys but I succumbed :cry:
We have decided to do a different step of the CD as it may be more real for us right now and work our way down...
I just dont feel ketosis would have helped,cos I was never physically hungry anyway with all that water, so were going to try two shakes and two of the recommended meals on a different stage... thats the best comprimise we could do or else we would have messed up completely... seems I have a great loss to spur me on though... scales are dsying 10lb already !!
Thanks again for trying to help.....
This is just a temporary wobble, abstinence diets are indeed very hard because you can't run to food when you have an emotional hiccup. You actually need to finally face that feeling and it is very difficult - that's what head hunger is..
Even a year on on a VLCD I still get HUGE head hungers, I know I'm not physically hungry. I'm still finding it difficult... But I stop and think about it now instead of getting an answer from a quick fix...

Don't be disappointed with yourself, don't dwell on it. You are taking positive steps towards working out a better plan for yourself, well done! Trust me, it is worth it in the end, but we do need to take it one day at a time, and learn from our little mistakes. :)
Cheers Minerva xx

Wow youve lost sooooooooooo much!!!!! well done you !
I know the head hunger is worse than any physical.... were just goona try and work our way down the stages rather than jump in the deep end, some people can, but if I ahd kept it up any longer I would prob have gone into total self destruct.. you are right though and living proof ;) I guess its just when the time is right... but Im not giving up thats the main thing and may still have a good loss on my weigh in Sunday to spur me on.... thanxs though hun
It's all about trying and perseverance! Maybe you'll find this quote inspiring;

"You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try." Beverly Sils.

And that's exactly what we're doing! Well done Flobble, you're on your way! :D