day 3


Full Member
feeling positive cant believe i have done ss 100% for 2 days, only prob now is to get through the weekend, am going to hibernate and be watching tv and reading anything to not go out meet friends, oh roll on tues weigh in

how is everyone else today
hey skinny... i am on day 5 now. i cant promise that it gets any better but the losses are well worth it!
keep up the great work xxx
u too ur doing so well, if i can get through this weekend then will get through next week i hope good luck xx
exactly my thoughts... take it a day at a time!
plus this time of year is sooo hard when dieting, if i do eat im not gonna beat myself up, i will however ss the very next day!
seasons greetings to you lala!!!! enjoy this time of the year and keep going xxx
do anything to keep your mind active well done x
thanks guys just wanna make it through weekend oh lord never thought i would wish for mond to come along lol
Hi Skinnylala, it's day 5 for me on ss and weekends are tricky for me too, I am just trying to get through this one and hoping the rest will be much easier!

Try to keep busy and good luck x
thanks mrsr good luck to u too
am so dreading tom and sun but fingers crossed we do well