Day 5 :) Dizziness and Silliness


Full Member
I played a dangerous game with my body today and regret it now even though I feel ok. If you've read my previous post "My Journey so Far", you'll know I was exactly looking forward to today at all.

Day 5: 09/01/12: Dizziness and Silliness

I decided not to have a shake this morning or to be honest ran out the door and completely forgot about having a shake this morning- I'm just so used to not eating anything for breakfast. I brought a litre of water with me for the day and decided to have a few strong coffees there to kill the smell of any food that would be around me. This was my first day of work on this diet so I knew it would be hard and oh my god was I glad to get home. Forgetting to have the shake, I believe sent my body into a weird deprival mode. I wasn't looking for food, I wasn't even hungry, I just wanted my shake so bad and couldn't get home as school is about 20km from my house. So I soldiered on. I found myself getting light headed and extremely tired. I didn't sleep last night so that didn't help at all. I think it was 3am before I finally passed out. I didn't like the way I felt all day and since rushing home to take my shake, I do feel a little better but I will remember not to forget again. I had headaches etc and was really ratty :(

On the plus side- day 5 is just over and I've two more shakes to go! Thinking strawberry and a hot chocolate for later and early to bed. I felt no hunger whatsoever and welcomed every bellyache because I knew it was getting rid of something. So far I'm really enjoying this diet, like really enjoying it. I don't feel I need to eat and I avoided baked goods and finger food today with other staff. Still a bit shaky from all the coffee but i would definitely not recommend anyone to ever skip a shake! Especially in the morning! So I'm thinking of asking for flapjacks for week 2 and stick to full days of shakes at the weekend, just so I am being sociable and eating something while they are!

Still gaining confidence too in every way also! I cannot believe how much I have changed within 5 days from abusing food as a luxury to respecting it as fuel. I do admit I am in a way looking forward to eating again but I seem to be leaning more towards looking at fish recipes now than chicken or anything else. Just goes to show what a little support, motivation and determination can do to get you on the right track. I know 110% I will keep the weight off, once it is off because I won't want to start all this work over again. Time is too precious! Especially with a family wedding now in May!! Lets go body, keep on burning it away!!

How is everyone else getting on????

One things for sure I cannot wait to sleep tonight!!!

Julie x
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