Day 5 - ordered one month


Full Member
Well, day 5 now and all going well, finally stopped feeling hungry! Just order a months supply so in it for the long haul this time I HOPE X good luck to everyone, looking forward to my first weigh.
Well Done Suzi,

I also did the same I did one week then ordered a months worth ( I did the mens 5 per day) as it worked out at 1.09 per meal, however I did the first week at 4 pack and I am now doing 3 plus protein so it has worked out that I have enough to last 46 days. £3.23 per day plus some meat and veg means that you can live on £35 per not bad compared to all of the stuff I usually buy on diets.

Usually I would spend £3-4 per day on fruit alone on the way to work then have other stuff so quite cost effective and I am loosing weight too!!!!!!
I didn't think of buying the 5 a day and only using 4 LOL. I'll remember that next month. Thanks for the Tip. Good luck with your journey!
Glad I'm not the only one :)