Day 6 and Still feeling Starving


Gold Member
Hi guys, 2/3 of the way through day 6 for me today and I am really severely hungry, in fact I have been getting progressively more hungry since day 3 where I started to feel really quite bad mid afternoons. Also feeling very dizzy and light headed today. I didn't feel like this last time when I was on Lipotrim, by day 6 I was forgetting to have my shakes, on Exante I seem to be counting the minutes until I can have something and I really hate that feeling as mentally it's very wearing and I chose the ketogenic diet because I just didn't want to battle with hunger like this, any insights??
oh no, hunger is the worst, I still have days like it now and im coming to the end of week 11. The only thing I suggest is to drink more water if possible. when im feeling hungry and ready to kill I have a super strong cup of coffee and it keeps me going, but I also have my packs quite close together 9.30am, 12.30pm and 5pm, I find I can go longer in the evening with no food. The only thing that helped my dizziness was water im afraid and lots of sleep as I had no energy for the first week. Hopefully you will start to feel more like it soon.
Hi There LW. I did LT before for 10 weeks 100% food free about four years ago. I dont think there really is any difference between the two diets effect on my system at all save that on Exante I am not as "desperate" as I was on LT. What I mean is : Your fears are unfounded and you will find Exante as easy to stick to as LT once in ketosis. It seems to me that you may not be there properly or else you havent had enough water. I have had lots of "off" days on both diets - days when I do feel hungry and dizzy and really anxious to eat but its usually due to a lack of water (I had a lot more of those days on LT). On Exante I aam once a week to keep those dizzy spells at bay and that works a treat. I feel great most of the time on this diet. But I have to admit that yesterday was day 46 and I had to aam to get me through it!

You are doing so well. Dizzy spells seem to be par for the course of VLCDs and you have to work out a way to deal with them.


P.S. I am having better results on Exante than on LT even with a meal a week.
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Very interesting Belle, actually looking back, I am doing better in week 1 of Exante than LT as well, but on LT i had a not bad week 2 as well so I'd need to wait until then to see what the over all is. I do find the products delightful in comparison to Lt to be honest and have no intention of backing out of it!! I will consider the aam suggestion I'm cooking low carb for hubs anyway, so it's not an issue to just cook a bit more, just not a big meat eater or I'd be doing Atkins with him. I am easily having 3 litres of water or more, plus other drinks, I've kept off the zero's today but am wondering if the Exante bars could be the culprit?
I must admit that the bars made me hungrier for some reason. Pretty much given them up now, and I rarely feel hungry.

Evenings are my worst times, so I save a pack for then.
You know Darvy I think it might be the bars as I was doing fine and then I've had bars for the last 3 days and there could be a connection, today I had a bar for breakfast at about 8pm as I was up at 6am, then I waited until after 3pm for my shake, but was absolutely ravenous by then, had my soup just around 6.30pm as I don't like having them too late. I've stayed a 100% and will do until my first wi on Sunday, then I might think about Belle's suggestion of aam 1 day per week, but i bet my losses on Sunday will make me say no..I'll just stay 100% for another week....LOL
Could be an electrolyte imbalance? I add a pinch of salt to my shakes twice a week as I feel rotten when my salt is low. I do tend to breeze through the first couple of days with just a headache and then get hungry around a week in, though. It has caused me to fail a few times in the past as I got overconfident about being in ketosis :rolling-eyes:It will go, other than the occasional hungry day for no rhyme/reason just like there's the occasional STS week for no rhyme/reason, stick with it!