Step 1 Sole Source Day 6


Full Member
Hi everyone day 6 today and stuck 100% to the plan so pleased with my self. Sneaky peak at the scales says a loss of 10lb!! Weigh day tomorrow! Can't wait for week 3 when I can get the bars! This is so hard and socialising is awful but I WILL SUCCED!! :)
My CDC said it was fine to have the lemon yoghurt bars right from the start as they are a lot lower in carbs than the other ones. They are absolutely delicious!
I said to my Consultant when I started last week is there any chance I could have bars it's easier for lunch at work and she said no missy week 3 only! Disappointed!! :(
I've had them since wk 1. Consultant says they are specifically formulated to allow for that. Mind u after reading some posts and a reply I got earlier really don't know if she too good. Maybe that's why I only lost 8lbs my first week and not a huge lose like most if the people my weight.

Shirley x
Yay, that's fabulous!
Nice work! The hard part is over.