Day 8 in thr exante house


Full Member
what can I say , day 8 and feeling great so motivated to lose 5lb this week and when I weigh on Tuesday I am hoping it says 17.13 hopefully. Hope everyone is having a good day cxxxxxx
Good to hear all is going so well for you! 5lbs off is great:happy096:
Yes thanks guys , praying for 5lb next week, after my 10lb loss this week it never is at the same level after a big loss. But here's hoping that all goes well. How are all you guys doing this week
Hi hun! Glad ur feeling the benefits today :p my Day 2 has been no problem, been out and about with the cubs and then my mum watched then for a bit whilst I had a swim, was lush! Xxx bring on tomorrow x
Hey makeup artist ,

I was wondering how you were doing today, don't over do it in your first week , I don't think your suppose to exercise much.

Keep up the hard work the first 3 /4 days are hard going but it will ease . We can do this together I am Hoping to smash through the 18 barrier and launch myself into the seventeens, speak tomorrow let me know how you go . I find when i am struggling I listen to my iPod , the best album I listen to is a download called keep calm and relax xxxxx