Day one of?

Goodness am i hungry today. What I'd do for a curry. I think I just crave something with some real flavour and a bit of texture to it! Nevermind, I'll have a soup and another glass of water. I'm at the stage though that if someone said 'go on, have a takeaway I would in a second'. :-(

I know exactly what you mean!!! Weekends are so tough....I hate wishing them away, but I feel much stronger on weekdays!!..x
Well I do feel proud that I didn't go for the curry but I am a bit miffed that I've had to turn down the Mothering Sunday meal out. At them moment I only want to eat the cereal bars and the soups and shakes don't appeal at all. Down to my last bar though, so it'll just be liquids this week :-( and it is so bizarre how strong my sense of smell is just now.
Well done on resisting the curry. It will still be there when you are finished this diet. Its sad about the mothers day meal but there are other ways you can celebrate with your family. My son has just come in with a bunch of daffodils for me...albeit obtained couresty of the council, but hey, its the thought that counts!! lol x
Oh, i do love daffodills. And chocolate hobnobs. just as well we don't have any if the house! One banana shake and my last bar so far today. Feeling very sleepy.
:drool: choc hobnobs :drool:

Well done for keeping strong - your little froggy is indeed hopping along nicely - your a quater of the way there already!!!

Oh dear, just ate some fish pie. Only a small portion but it was absolutely lovely on a cold, damp day. Serves me right for cooking yummy food for the rest of the family - will have to serve them slugs on toast tomorrow.
Oh dear, just ate some fish pie. Only a small portion but it was absolutely lovely on a cold, damp day. Serves me right for cooking yummy food for the rest of the family - will have to serve them slugs on toast tomorrow.

Hahaha :D
Thats gotta be a delicacy somewhere in the world ;)
4lb gone, that's 19 in 4 weeks. Really very happy with that. Haven't noticed much change in the way my clothes fit yet, but I'm hoping I'm losing fat and now water now. I'd be extremely dehydrated otherwise! What's really exciting is that if I can just lose 2lb more the scales will read 14 something - they haven't read that in a long time :)
well done on the loss...and great news about nearly getting into the 14's. Getting into the next stone down is always a great incentive to stick with it..x
Smashing news :D
Hopefully you will see the last of that 2lb next week !! Keep going !
Have managed two 100% days (ignoring the milk in my tea and coffee) so keeping on track. Strangely none of my clothes feel much loser and my summer wardrobe fits fine, in fact some if it is a bit tight. Shows how much weight I'd piled on in the last year. I refused to weigh myself all last year as I knew how sad it would make me, but I must have been slimmer than I am now, just not in the frame of mind to do anything about it. Well I am now, so let's get on with it :)
Embrace that sunshine honey and I'm sure those summer clothes will be falling off you in no time xxx
Oops - fell off the wagon:eatdrink051:
Not big, big style but I did eat. Last night I had a bit of the beef hotpot I'd made for everyone else (including a dumpling) and I've just eaten some cheese.

Do you know, I nearly lied about the dumpling, and that was on here!

I've just ordered a new pack. i'd finished the bars before the shakes and soups so I thought I'd work my way through the rest before ordering some more but I'm just missing food too much :sigh: At least the bars are something solid! The problem is I now feel really guilty but I so shouldn't. I've sat and watched people eat malteser cake and apple crumble cake today and yesterday I SO could have tucked into an enormous bowl of hotpot. What I really need is for some clothes to feel a bit lighter so I can see the benefit.

Instead I'll just hold out for a choc chip bar :)
Sorry about your little fall honey but well done you for dusting yourself off and getting back on it! I always found that the most difficult bit of all and I guess that's what keeps me being good as I fear I'd never get back on it! You are doing amazingly well and those clothes will be dropping off you in no time. I found it was a good 4-5 weeks before I could feel a difference in clothes and as soon as you start to feel it it just gets better and better. Reality is those clothes may have fitted last year but were probably on the snug side whereas in a few more weeks they will be falling off you.

Keep strong can do it xxxx
Reality is those clothes may have fitted last year but were probably on the snug side

You may have a point there. Noticed the skirt I put on today is missing the button. Must have popped off!
Oh hun, it happens. Well done for resisting the puds though - that's an achievement in itself

Onwards and downwards :hug99::hug99:

Doesn't look like this week's WI in going to be that good. Started off with a shake. had a wodge of cheese for lunch & have just had some Sunday roast. That was naughty but I did put it on a side plate to limit my portion, but have to confess to eating a delicious roast potato :) I know I'm going off plan at the weekends, but I must admit I'm very proud of myself for not just pigging out. Usually I would have had by far the biggest portion and at least 4 potatoes. Back to it tomorrow - hope my bars turn up quickly, definitely need solid food to get me through.
Well its good that you are learning about portion control. I think a lot of us on here struggle with that, or at least did before this diet, and thats how we got to the sizes we are.
I for one really need to learn that, but to be honest at the moment, I am still to scared to eat incase I never stop!! That is so sad to actually admit that!! I did manage a controlled night and day off a couple of weeks ago, but I still dont know if I controlled the portion sizes, more just the fact I didnt eat any carbs and went straight back onto 100% TS after the planned break. So well done to you for sticking to the little plate!! x