Dealing with changes in your size


Full Member
Most of my life I have been a 14/16. At my biggest I was 18/20 and my smallest size 10 (my wedding day 15 years ago). This time though I want to stop all this yo yo dieting and make a permanent change. My target has been to fit into a 12 and I am glad to report that it is starting to happen now I am so close to target.
So last Saturday I took off shopping for size 12 work clothes. Got some lovely bits and came home -all was fine until I actually started putting them into the wardrobe. I had to take away the bigger stuff to make room and when I had finished I felt very fed up and down in my mood. I tried telling myself to get on with it and lift yourself but for the rest of the day I ate and picked and munched on all the crap i could find in the house.

Looking back on it now it does seem like I felt a panic over the new clothes and worried that this loss isnt permanent, that I will be back in the bigger sizes in 6 months (which is NOT on my plan this time). I supose my brain is just reacting to my previous attempts at weight loss and has to get used to the new me.

Has this happened to anyone out there?

not exactly like that but I didn't want to read your post and not respond. I've been as big as 22/24 and got to 14/16 a couple of times now. I well understand the issue of 'what shall I do with the big clothes?'

I can imagine that apart from learning to feel at ease in your new body, there could be a feeling of loss. Sorry if none of this is right for you - feel free to ignore me.

For whatever we do there is a motive, a benefit that we think at some very deep level comes from what we are doing. for example, many people have found that their fat has felt like a protection, or that their binging has served to supress emotions.

Perhaps you felt a loss for whatever your previous size meant to you, thus the binge when it sunk in just how much weight you had lost and how much smaller your new clothes are. Also perhaps the loss of your former identity?

How are you now? I notice you posted this quite a while back.