Dear Diary....

No no not at all actually! I can relate to everything you said and totally understand. I agree it's not the easiest thing to explain, but when you explain to a person who has been through/going through the same thing it makes total sense.

It's very hard to find someone around the same age as me with the same issues (sorry if that word sounds bad, I don't know which else to use). I don't normally tell anyone as I feel embarrassed about it but the sad thing is, it's not my fault, it's out of my control. I have battled with severe depression for too long now and I'm sick and tired of it. The anxiety really doesn't help either and can make social situations that most people think nothing of extremely difficult. I have pretty much wasted the last 12 years of my life, the best years of my life! due to my mental health issues and it's really starting to get to me to the point where I get angry with myself.

I remember the citalopram making me zombie like, but it gave me a break like you said then it was hard to take because of the lack of emotion... it's just one big circle of struggle if you ask me.

Anyway, enough about me! this is your diary and I just want you to know I understand and NEVER like hearing someone else is going through this... honestly, I wouldn't wish my depression and anxiety on my worst enemy.

I'm here if you need to chat about this sort of stuff. Not sure I'll be much help, but it's always good to speak to someone who's been through it. In the past I have told people who have never suffered with it and they frown and think I'm nuts I swear or just say "get over it"... yeah, like it's soooo easy I would have done it 12 years ago! :mad: Ok I'm going on again, sorry :eek:


Never apologise chick, talk as much/freely as ye like here. i can relate to all youve said, noone understands who havent been through/go through it, ive got 'normal' friends/relatives who ive touched on it- more in lightweight way and refer to just 'my menatalness' but noone really knows the truth of it except my other half and girl ive met on here as she goes through the same and to be honest its obvious the 'normal' people dont really want to know about it or just cannit get their head round it. I cant blame them i mean i struggle with understanding it myself and ive gone through it everyday since i can remember. im not ashamed of it per se more it has a stigma attached to it and once i tell someone it cant be undone so instead i say nothing,stick smile on me face when in public, laugh and um ahh in all the right places etc and pretend like im normal. Not like im in public very often these days like,just found that that routine got harder n more tiring as time went on, so do it as little as poss. im at a loss where to go from here n what to do for best really.

im always here to talk about anything ye want chick, pm if ye prefer :)

We gonna start living chick not just existing,we can get this weight off and get more mental/body healthy together, i cant promise ye an overnight miracle but i can guarantee youve always got a friend to turn to and help you through it xx