*deep breath* my journey to a thinner / healthier me

emma don't worry about friday's appointment.
the nurse will be pleased to see you back and be pleased that you have come so far.
Don't worry about the differances in the scales either just go with yours and ignore the docs ( unless of course you way less :D)

food sounds lovely and you are doing so well xxx
Hi, just came across your diary so thought I'd say hi. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding!! And well done on your amazing loss so far - very inspirational. Best of luck with your appointment on Friday!
Hey sweetie, hope your feeling better...I totally agree with the others, go to your appt on Friday and you tell them how you've done, I guarantee they'll be so happy for you,you have done amazingly well. My Doc at the hospital is always excited to hear how well I am doing, and is very encouraging .

You're food as always sounds amazing :drool:
As Mandy says ....you started this journey using your scales so stick with your scales no matter what, that's why I ignore what my scales say as my official scales are the ones at group and the only ones that count :hug99: xxxx
Thanks ladies :bighug:

I think I might have a slight intolerance to eggs when cooked as part of a main meal (somehow them being in cake or mayo never affects me) as I always end up with a yucky tum. I ended up with omlette last night (as Chris couldn't find the pitta breads in morrisons) and it was thoroughly cooked, yet I still got an icky tummy :(

I'm shattered, we've been up since about 4 as mum had a panic attack last night and it was a pretty bad one. I got back into bed at 9 and have been dozing on and off since then.

Going to class today as a green day as I fancy the extra fibre so I don't get bunged up like after the weekend lol.

Brekkie / brunch - muller light, banana, fibre plus bar (hexb)
Snack - apple, mugshot
Dinner - mushrooms, bacon (4 syns for 2 slices) and pasta and hexa of cheese
Snack - pineapple, melon, 3 weetabix (hexb and 3.5 syns) with milk (hexa), hot chocolate (5 syns)
Total planned syns - 12.5
Thanks ladies :bighug:

I think I might have a slight intolerance to eggs when cooked as part of a main meal (somehow them being in cake or mayo never affects me) as I always end up with a yucky tum. I ended up with omlette last night (as Chris couldn't find the pitta breads in morrisons) and it was thoroughly cooked, yet I still got an icky tummy :(

I'm shattered, we've been up since about 4 as mum had a panic attack last night and it was a pretty bad one. I got back into bed at 9 and have been dozing on and off since then.

Going to class today as a green day as I fancy the extra fibre so I don't get bunged up like after the weekend lol.

Brekkie / brunch - muller light, banana, fibre plus bar (hexb)
Snack - apple, mugshot
Dinner - mushrooms, bacon (4 syns for 2 slices) and pasta and hexa of cheese
Snack - pineapple, melon, 3 weetabix (hexb and 3.5 syns) with milk (hexa), hot chocolate (5 syns)
Total planned syns - 12.5

Boy you've had a time of it lately. Hope your mum is OK now. Maybe you still have a bit of sensitivity left after your bug and the egg thing will settle down soon. I would have thought that raw egg in mayo would be more likely to set you off than cooked ones would though. :confused:

Your food as ever looks good and I think you are doing the right thing by napping when you feel like it. Your body will still be mending itself from the w/end and it can really only do that effectively when you're asleep.:4635:

So sweet dreams and we can catch up better when you waken.:D :bighug:
I feel fine today, just shattered.

I hate the fact that my diary is so whiney at the moment. I'm so sorry everyone :(

What I'm going to do is leave it for a week without eating any egg, then do an omlette late next week and see what happens xx
I feel fine today, just shattered.

I hate the fact that my diary is so whiney at the moment. I'm so sorry everyone :(

What I'm going to do is leave it for a week without eating any egg, then do an omlette late next week and see what happens xx

That's what the diary is here for :) support in the good and bad. Don't worry, we don't mind - we just want YOU to feel positive, for yourself! Hope you're feeling more upbeat shortly *hugs*
I feel fine today, just shattered.

I hate the fact that my diary is so whiney at the moment. I'm so sorry everyone :(

What I'm going to do is leave it for a week without eating any egg, then do an omlette late next week and see what happens xx

Like you told me yesterday - if you can't write what you want in your own diary where can you put it. If something is troubling you and writing it down helps then go right ahead.

As you said if people don't like what they read they will vote with their feet or should that be mice.:rolleyes:

Hope your day improves.:D:bighug:
Hey sweetie, lol go Patsy, sounds like we all need to practice what we preach hun ...I am the best at giving advice and worst at taking it myself lol
But the ladies are very right, write what you want in your diary the clue is in the "your" bit :giggle:
And if you're not feeling well then you have a right to say it and that's not being whiney xx

Hope you're mum's better and you get some decent sleep today.
Food as always sounds scrumptious, eggs, I too would have though that they'd effect you more when uncooked as in mayo, like Mandy says, write down when you feel icky and make a note of what you've eaten and then compare.

Feel better soon lovely lady :hug99: xxx
Your not moany - your poorly. Also if you're moany it's fine cos as everyone else said it YOUR diary :)

And I won't be going anywhere :)

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I feel fine today, just shattered.

I hate the fact that my diary is so whiney at the moment. I'm so sorry everyone :(

What I'm going to do is leave it for a week without eating any egg, then do an omlette late next week and see what happens xx

have you read mine the first severel months are one continual winge :eek:
but hopefully its getting better.:eek:
this is the best place to have a winge always someone to make you feel better :D

:bighug: hope you feel better soon xxxx
I whinge all the time in mine! You go ahead its your diary, it helps to vent it out!xx
Thanks ladies, you are complete and utter stars :bighug:

Just weighed myself and another 1lb has gone I'm 358lbs now :D Chris has taken a picture of it for me so I can show the nurse as it's showing -4 here at the moment and I plan on putting a big chunky jumper on plus my boots, it's blinking freezing.

* week has also made an appearance this morning so I've decided not to update my ticker or anything as I want to keep to monday as official weigh in day, plus there's a few days left so I could easily get a load of water retention by then lol.

Going to go and finish getting ready as we have to leave in about 25 minutes, will update properly with my food plan once we get to my mum's xx