*deep breath* my journey to a thinner / healthier me

Congrats on the 1lb loss!! X
Well the appointment went fine, the nurse was really chuffed that I'd gone back and she says that I seem loads happier in myself and it seems to have finally clicked. I'm a bit miffed that their scales are so out of whack, it showed me as being 165 kg which is 5.5 lbs heavier than my weigh in this morning on my scales :confused:

Food plan for today is

Brekkie - fibre plus bar (hexb), pineapple and muller light
Lunch - tropical fruit salad pot, mugshot, skinny latte (4 syns)
Snack - apple
Dinner - chinese chicken, pasta, mushrooms and cheese (hexa)
Snack - velvet crunch crisps (4 syns), mini jammy dodgers (4 syns)
Total planned syns - 12 syns
Well the appointment went fine, the nurse was really chuffed that I'd gone back and she says that I seem loads happier in myself and it seems to have finally clicked. I'm a bit miffed that their scales are so out of whack, it showed me as being 165 kg which is 5.5 lbs heavier than my weigh in this morning on my scales :confused:

Food plan for today is

Brekkie - fibre plus bar (hexb), pineapple and muller light
Lunch - tropical fruit salad pot, mugshot, skinny latte (4 syns)
Snack - apple
Dinner - chinese chicken, pasta, mushrooms and cheese (hexa)
Snack - velvet crunch crisps (4 syns), mini jammy dodgers (4 syns)
Total planned syns - 12 syns

So glad it went well, it couldn't possibly be any different. I find hospital/docs scales are a pain as always different. Plus you were probably wearing way more clothes. And had had breakfast. My regular app't insists you even keep your shoes on for hygiene reasons so yet more ballast.:)

Your menu sounds good as usual.:rolleyes:

Hope your mum is OK now and that you continue to feel better. Have a great w/end:D
She's doing loads better today thanks hun. Because of the curveture of her spine she's now incontinent and she's petrified that she's going to lose control of her bowels too, she'd wet the bed (for the first time in at least 2 months) which triggered a panic attack, and when she gets panic attacks she violently shakes, she cries, she beats herself up. It's so scary to see, but we have to try and stay calm and try and get her out of panic mode :(

Chris is going shopping in a bit and he's going to try and look for the food dr pittas for me (the ones with multi grain seeds in) and I'm thinking of using one to make a pizza with tomorrow night :D It'll be 8 syns, but I hope it'll be worth it and I can still have my evening choccy treat :D

Food Doctor M/Seed And Cereal Pitta 6Pk - Groceries - Tesco Groceries
Glad the nurse appointment went well and things are looking up for both you and your mum. Take care.

Kev X
Jackie reminding Lily to do her positives made me realise I haven't done any today either :eek:

1) I'm glad I made that first step in going back to see the nurse as she was really chuffed to see me and very impressed with how well I've been doing
2) I felt good enough this morning that I actually took the time to do my hair nice and do my make up :eek:

3) my double chin is disappearing :8855:
you look lovely :D :D

well done with your appt. It really really does not matter what the nurses scales say does it? a) you had clothes on b) not your scales

Regardless of what those scales said you have love over a stone already and are doing fantastically. Scales are the devil anyway :p :p
Love the positives :)

Your piccie was lovely too xxx

Agree about the scales too - especially re the breakfast and clothes!!!

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Argh, I'm a dozey mare. Went over my syn allowance yesterday by about 10. Me and Chris had an argument so I did the first thing I always do - go for the food. I had a banana sandwich and 2 mini chocolate bars :(

I'm stressing now that this (along with *) it's going to affect weigh in on monday, because I know I didn't really want it all, I just pigged out because I was annoyed

So the line is being firmly drawn

Food plan for today ...

Brekkie - muller light, banana, grapes
Lunch - apple, noodles
Snack - strawberries, cappucino (5 syns)
Dinner - pizza (hexb as using wholemeal pitta and hexa) topped with tomato, ham, sweetcorn and mushroom :D might have a side salad, not 100% sure yet as it depends how full I'm feeling
Snack - velvet crunch (4 syns), mini jammy dodgers (4 syns)
Total planned syns - 13
It could have been far worse though couldn't it?? YOu still have 2 days Emm and you can stick to it can't you and still get a loss this week? whatever that loss is, its a loss and this is not a race. Just remember something people always tell me 'the tortoise always wins' . Life gets in the way sometimes huni, its a journey, your journey and you will get there because we are holding your hand every step of the way :bighug: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks hun :bighug: just annoyed at myself as I thought I was getting past the comfort eating part. Going to have a super focused day, lots of water and lots of wedding/holiday stuff to remind me why I'm doing thia :)
It was a blip but the positive to this blip is you are annoyed at yourself and can see why it happened so next time he annoys you just clout him and don't make a sandwich :8855: whoops shouldn't advise a battering should I :8855: um next time he annoys you make the sandwich and chuck it at him but dont eat it :D xxxxxxxxxxxx