*deep breath* my journey to a thinner / healthier me

Aw hun so sorry your mum upset you so, and I think it's tougher to deal with when it's the one person you expect to give you unconditional love and support. You didn't go too far off plan really just a wee blip and it will probably have made you even more determined to "show her" that you can do it no matter what she may think.

She's probably a bit afraid that if you can take control of all aspects in your life then maybe she won't be needed as much but her way of showing this is probably the thing which is most likely to make you distance yourself a bit. Anyway I think you are doing the right thing in taking some time out for you. It'll give you a chance to sort out what your mum is really feeling and then you can maybe talk to her and explain that her comments really hurt you.

Hope you're managing to cope today. And rmemebr we CAN and we WILL do this. :)

Well said hunni xxx
I've had 2 packets of crisps today but I haven't gone over syns, so I'm going to substitue my frozen yoghurt and banana and choccy philadelphia sandwich for a big fruit salad and yoghurt and a plain banana sandwich. I refuse to go over syns today ;) Plus I've not had bacon sandwich for lunch, I had a plate of mushrooms and fried egg, so I'm still within my syns and have used 13

I think with regards to my mum, it's just so frustrating. She literally tip toes on egg shells around my brother's gf, she's very careful about what she says about her appearance or the clothes she wears, says we all have to be nice to her etc, yet me (her own daughter) can have any comments whatsoever and it doesn't matter.

So I think the plan for the weekend is to have a nice long soak in the bath, put some intensive conditioner on my hair, put a face mask on and just basically pamper myself :D
:bighug: thanks everyone the advice and support is greatly appreciated

Can I admit something? It's probably going to sound totally stupid and paranoid.

But, I think panic is starting to set in over getting on the plane to turkey. I've only ever flown 4 times before we go in june (once to tunisia and back and once to turkey and back). And I'm scared that I won't be able to get into the seat. I know it was a very tight squeeze in 2009 and I had to ask for a seatbelt extension. The stewardesses were lovely, made sure I was fine. But I'm literally panicking that I'm bigger and that I'm going to make a fool of myself for even trying to get on the plane in the first place. But the more I panic, the less focus I have on sw and I really don't know why :(
Hello sweetie, sounds like a perfect plan to me, enjoy your pampering time lovely.
As for your Mum, I am a bit like that with my son in laws, can say what I like to my girls but their partners I will be a bit softer and gentler...that's because I am secure with my girls I know we can argue and say nasty stuff but will sort it and they'll always love me, but with the boys I want to be liked.
With my girls I can almost read their minds I know them so well I can predict how they think and what they'll say, but with the boys I don't know what they'll say or do so I hold back....most of the time, it does get easier to be firmer and more honest with them the longer I know them.
I would do as Patsy says, take your pampering time and take that time to calm down and then when you feel the time is right just gently tell Mum that some of the things she says hurt your feelings.....I have always said that there is a time to say things, right away is not always the best time, you will know when that time is so go with your gut instinct hun....but to now throw a bit of a curve ball, as my counsellor told me when I was in counselling either accept her... warts an all or get out of the relationship if it makes you feel sh*te about you, but it must be right for you and feel right too.
Take care lovely :hug99: xxxxx
:bighug: thanks everyone the advice and support is greatly appreciated

Can I admit something? It's probably going to sound totally stupid and paranoid.

But, I think panic is starting to set in over getting on the plane to turkey. I've only ever flown 4 times before we go in june (once to tunisia and back and once to turkey and back). And I'm scared that I won't be able to get into the seat. I know it was a very tight squeeze in 2009 and I had to ask for a seatbelt extension. The stewardesses were lovely, made sure I was fine. But I'm literally panicking that I'm bigger and that I'm going to make a fool of myself for even trying to get on the plane in the first place. But the more I panic, the less focus I have on sw and I really don't know why :(

Sorry to hear about your mum's comments. Parents are sometimes like that and think they are saying things for our own good. The best way is when she strtas to make comments like that you just say to yourself " I am covered by the divine white light of the universe through which nothing negative can penetrate". If you repeat this a few times, then you see that you'll not pay any attention to comments made.

As for panicking about the plane journey, once again constantly repeat to yourself that "I fit in perfectly in the plane sit and enjoy my holiday". Repeat this or something similar to this (positive) to yourself.

Positivity is very important for us all. As soon as a negative thought comes to your mind about your holiday or any other situation, try to turn it topositive. It takes a while to get negative thoughts out of our mind. PLease try this and you see the effect of it after a while.

Have a lovely evening.
Emmm my lovely , my Mum has spent years sniping and commenting at me. Its taken me to 44 to stand up to her :giggle: when she says stuff now I just say 'we're all different' or 'good job we dont all like the same' or ' you don't like it? oh well I do' :giggle: she rarely carries on her sillyness once I reply and I say it in such a way she can't say 'I had a go at her' :8855: chin up lovely, ignore her. You are lovely don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise, hold that lovely head high and smile :bighug: xxxxxxxx
:bighug: you ladies are wonderful, I'm sorry I've been such a moaning minnie today

Supper tonight is ................

Hi Emily :wavey:

Glad you're ok and totally back on plan :)

Love your 7up lolly idea.

Don't stress about the holiday flights just focus (as you are) on your SW planning and it will be fine. The seats on the easyjet flight today were generous and the arms go up too. Plus there's always a seatbelt extension and they are fine too.

I did chuckle at you getting packing ready so early! I bunged a few things in my bag the night before :-D

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:8855: honestly I wish I could get away with not packing early, but considering Chris is leaving it all to me and that we're dropping the cases off at his mum and dad's early, I'm trying to be organised, but failing as there's things I keep forgetting, I made him buy roll on deodorants yesterday so that I could put them in the cases so I don't forget :giggle:

I've also just realised something ... the trousers that I wore to work in 2009 when we went to turkey (and were a bit tight at the time), still fit me and are a bit looser, so if I got in the seat then, I'll get in it this time right? And we've pre booked window seats so we don't have to sit next to anyone we don't know, unless for some reason we end up with a different plane. And there's always the extension belt like you say Lisa (which I'll probably ask them for just in case as we get on).

Food tomorrow ...

Brekkie - watermelon, toast (hexb + 4 syns for spread)
Snack - grapes + muller light
Lunch - chips and cheese (hexa), squirt of ketchup (2 syns)
Dinner - cheese, tomato and cucumber sandwich (hexb and hexa)
Snack - banana and choc philadelphia (4.5 syns), fanta ice lolly, muller light
Syns - 10.5
Hey sweetie, deep breaths and now breath.....panic ye not, you will be fine ...and especially if the trousers are looser than 3 years ago, it's a synch....plus as Lisa said you have the extensions to fall back on ....I'm also with Lisa, throw it in the case the night before with a travel iron and bob's your Uncle...and if you've forgotten anything..tough!!! I'm guessing Turkey isn't like Outer Space so anything important you'll most likely be able to pick up there and most likely a hell of a lot cheaper than here :giggle: xxxxx:hug99:xxxxx
I think a lot of the panic is down to not feeling 100% comfortable with flying yet. I don't like taking off (because you get pushed back into your seat) or landing (because of the bump). It gets a bit better each time. Maybe one day I'll look forward to it :giggle:

Yep things will be cheaper over there so I'll be able to grab things there if we forget. Chris says the first thing we have to get the first morning there once we wake up (we land at about 01.00 in the morning) is an inflatable ring so he can sit on it in the pool. I've told him that's fine as long as I'm straight to the turkish bath afterwards ;)

:drool: I'd forgotten how much I love watermelon. And I plan on having some every day as I've spotted the snack bar area at the hotel on this video I found on youtube of our hotel


Aiming to have a really good day, am thinking of switching the chips for pasta, not too sure yet. Really dreading wi tomorrow morning, but it has to be done so that I can give myself another kick up the backside and refocus :)
I'm going to do mine the very first day, get my skin all fresh and clean ready for the sun as I tan super easily :D

this is a picture from 2009 when we were out on a boat trip, we'd only been there for a week I think and I was so dark already. I hate my chin in this photo :8855:

:eek: thank you :)

just noticed I need a lot more support in the boob area, so glad I got my bikini tops from evans this time :8855:

though I might add, they're a size 26, compared to the 30-32 I was wearing when we went in 2009 :woohoo:
God, you're making me all jealous now!! The last time I went abroad was to Turkey as well but in 2010. We didn't get a chance to go away last year on account of building the new house. We might still manage this year but it all depends what's going on with my new job. Loved Turkey!! We stayed in a gorgeous all inclusive resort in Belek and it was amazing. The ultimate in relaxation. Unfortunately though I don't tan at all. Being from the far north of Scotland, I have to go from blue to white first!! Even then though I only burn afterwards. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? I've never really been one for lying in the sun but it annoys me sometimes that I almost feel I have to hide from it so I don't burn. If we do go away this year I'm thinking of Italy for a change. A short break in Lake Garda or something. Failing that, we'll just have a long weekend city break to Barcelona or something. I never plan these things too far in advance.

Have a lovely day Em and don't worry about your flights. Just think, it's all about the holiday. The flight is just a minor inconvenience on the way to those Turkish baths and that amazing tan!!

Kev X
I feel quite lucky in the fact that I tan so easily, and I do wear sunscreen just to make sure my skin is protected. Mum says a lot of it is down to the romany blood that we have in the family way down the line :)

I'm feeling more like myself today, focused and determined to make a go of this. I know I keep saying this recently and that my weight has been up and down for quite a few weeks now, but I'm keeping everything crossed that this attitude sticks.
So jel of your tan! I never tan either!

Also as you've gone down so many sizes then there's no need to worry about the plane seats.

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That's only in top size though, trouser size just feels a little bit looser. It's probably going to be a squeeze again, but as long as I get there that's the most important thing. As Kev says the flight is just a slight inconvenience on the way the sun :D

Thinking of trying diet coke chicken next week, but might cheat and get the quorn chicken pieces so I can stick to green days. I can always use a hexb for meat / fish if I want to. Pasta salads for lunch, sw chips, really excited again :woohoo:
Yay for you being excited again!!! Your enthusiasm when you first started was infectious x

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I'm going to drag Chris to morrisons on the way home tonight and think I'll make it tomorrow night :drool:

I could have some in a wrap with salad for lunch the next day :D