*deep breath* my journey to a thinner / healthier me

Just made Chris a bacon sandwich and instead of making some for myself, I grabbed a yoghurt from the fridge :D

100% day here I come!!!
Brekkie - watermelon, toast (hexb + 4 syns for spread)
Snack - grapes + muller light
Lunch - chips and cheese (hexa), squirt of ketchup (2 syns)
Dinner - cheese, tomato and cucumber sandwich (hexb and hexa)
Snack - banana and choc philadelphia (4.5 syns), fanta ice lolly, muller light
Syns - 10.5

Right, change of food for today

Brekkie - watermelon, toast and marmite (hexb 4 syns)
Snack - muller light
Lunch - pasta and cheese (hexa)
Snack - choccie dodgers (5 syns)
Dinner - cheese, tomato and cucumber sandwich (hexa and hexb)
Snack - banana and choc philadelphia, grapes, fanta ice lolly, muller light
Syns - 13.5

Went to poundland with mum today and got a few bits, a bottle of diet coke for tomorrow, measuring jugs, weight watchers tortilla wraps and the sweet and sour mugshots which were 3 for £1 :D
I'm trying this tomorrow :D Am planning on making it with 4 choc and fudge alpen light bars and 2 fudge flavour options sachets (and maybe a drop of vanilla essence), which means I could eat 2 of them (was planning on putting them into 4 individual bowls) and use as a hexb and 1.5 syns yeah? Can someone correct me if I'm wrong as I really don't want to go over syns tomorrow :D

:woohoo: thanks hun, I didn't dare to believe it until someone else could see it

It's not much of a change, but the important thing is that it IS changing :D
Wow, I can definitely see a difference Em! Keep it up :D
Thanks hun, I'll have a look what's available in the smaller sachets instead :D maybe go for the hazelnut ones instead :drool:

The smaller sachets are 2 syns each not 1.5 syns (from what it says on the tesco website), so I'll mark it down as 2 syns instead of the 1.5 that is on the recipe :D
Hello lovely Emily, firstly, :wow: you really can see the difference girl, you've gone from being straight down under your boobies to have a lovely curve now young lady :whistle: brilliant hun :hug99:xxx

I am like you sweetie, tan so easy, I wear V neck jumpers most of the time, can't bare to have clothes that feel like they are strangling me and even wehn it's windy but Sunny here (and cold) I start to tan lol ...Mal is the same, worse in fact, everyone thinks he's Iranian or Greek ...his roots are scottish, he's more british that me lol...great tan hun, .

I am also going to nick that recipe, it looks so yummy and just of late I seem to have a sweet tooth so will def give it a go, got all the ingredients in so might even go for it tonight lol

Have a lovely evening sweetie :hug99: xxxx
I just got all the ingredient for the diet coke chicken and think I messed up :(

Our morrisons had none of the quorn chicken bits and neither did co op and I ended up getting the morrisons meat free diced chicken, and I did a search on here and I think it's 3 syns for the whole bag, whereas quorn would have been syn free :sigh:

And I now feel totally rubbish in myself too. Walking round morrisons I saw 2 lads that were 2 years below me in school, one of them took a look, nudged the other one and nodded his head towards me then burst out laughing. I mean come on, who thinks it's ok to do that anymore??? They must be in their 20s and it seriously looks like they have never grown up. But I literally feel like poo now and not even thinking about the pictures from earlier is making me feel any better about myself :(
Double posted, so I'll do a food plan for tomorrow

Brekkie - weetabix and milk (hexa and 2 x hexb), banana, grapes
Snack - apple
Lunch - linda mccartney sausage roll (7 syns), cottage cheese and salad
Snack - muller light
Dinner - diet coke chicken (1 syn as I got the wrong meat free chicken thanks to morrisons being rubbish), cheese (hexa) and salad
Snack - fanta ice lolly, cheese cake (saying 5 syns as I'm having double weetabix as an experiment to fill me up and stop me wanting to snack and make bad choices)
Syns - 12
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Aww sweetie try not to dwell on what happened, there not worth a second thought ur so much better than they are, or can ever be,
Ur a beautiful woman on the inside and outside never forget that , big hugs xxx

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