Dee's Second Time Around Diary ~ Still 5st to go

Back from falling off the Wagon ~ Nov 13 restart

Well I'm back feeling shamefaced after falling off the wagon & regaining back over 30lbs :break_diet::cry:

I just let everything get to me & couldn't get re-motivated so I've been on a 4 month carb binge :sigh: I was told recently I needed major surgery, which cant be done until I'm nearer 200lbs due to my existing health issues. I'd been avoiding the scales so long I nearly fainted when they weighed me & half my weightloss had gone there was I thinking I'd only put on about 10lbs (talk about in denial lol)

So I'm back on JUDDD cos I know it works & maybe I just need to put a little more faith in it rather than running to the biscuit barrel when its slows, stalls or when the scales plays mind games with me.

Using the forum has always helped to keep me accountable, it when I go quiet I'm in trouble, So I'll go back to my Saturday weigh ins and work on my mini goal to undo the damage and I'll be catching up on posts to see who's still around & meet some new members :)

I restarted on the 4th Nov @ 269lbs ~ 19st3lbs

WL Total

Sat: 09/11 ~ -8lbs ~~ -- { mostly water as I do retain a lot, but still a nice start :) }

Welcome back dee. So easy to gain weight and so hard to take off .

I am almost a stone heavier this year than last :-(

Hope juddd works for you again, sorry to hear about your health problems, hopefully the weight loss will mean they can sort it out soon .
Thanks Derbynanny, no one to blame but me. Looking back over my posts I really need to get back to my pre April lowest weight which was 222lbs. What was I thinking arggghh, ah well, nevermind, I'm going to stop torturing myself & refocus.

I hear you about that stone, but your still plugging away & that's the most important thing, so well done for keeping at it.
This forum is incredible quiet at the moment . I have been trying to liven it up since i restarted juddd and now even though i am temporaily not doing judd i still love judd and will be back to it at some time i still want to post here to keep these board busy :)
Hey Lass:) Lovely to see your still here & thanks for the welcome back

Derbynanny: It is Very quiet, there are a few old faces I remember & a few returners. Its a pity really as I like the UK slant of this forum or at least the active chatters seem to be UK based. I know you've been trying to liven things up a bit and as there are so few of us I wonder if a daily chat thread in the main JUDDD area might be useful. Its so quiet maybe new people see that and go elsewhere. One thread for general chat, tips or for new members to ask questions may make things seem more active. :)

I'm on a DD today & settling into a good routine. I have 2 100 cals snacks and 1 250-300 cal meal spread between 12 & 8pm. I'm trying to use the 16/8 approach on UDs too as late night snacking is part of the slippery slope to my binge hell.
It is quiet here at the moment but just wait until the New Year, i'm sure we'll get quite a few new hits in the New Year. Plus there is a new 5:2 book coming out so we may get some people from that as well.

I'm sure things will pick up eventually :)
week 2: Saturday weigh in: :scale: down just over 2lbs, :)

I'm still battling the carb cravings especially on Up days, I am working on slowly reducing my net carbs to <30g on DDs & 120g for UDs, which will mean cutting down drastically on biscuits, cake & pastry products. With xmas festivities just round the corner I might be better off making it a new year resolution so less guilt about those carby treats & alcohol :xmascheers:.

As long as I keep close to my cal limits the downward trend should continue.

Starting weight ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19st 3lbs
Week 1:~ 09/11 ~~~ - 8lbs ~~~~ 18st 9lbs
Week 2:~ 16/11 ~~~ - 2lbs ~~~~ 18st 7lbs
carrot: thanks for the support. Being a hot choccie drink & biccie girl myself, that will be the hardest thing to give up. I need to go from majority bad carbs (cakes, pastry & biccies) for my UD calorie limit to moderate good carbs with the occasional treat. I have to cut them to the minimum or I go off the rails, stall & give up, so i'm doing it slowly err very slowly lol

Hey Willow, thank you hun :)
week 3: Saturday weigh in: :scale: down just over 5lbs, :):party0011:

Down 5lbs this week YaY!! <faints> I know I've had a good week foodwise & stayed close my limits. I'm sure half must be due to having a stressful week and barely eating till early evening, which has made it easier not to midnight snack.

I'm having to move home to somewhere smaller & more manageable with my mobility issues, eeny weeny kitchen but then its the kitchen that got me into trouble, but with some work needed & no finance to sort it & just before Xmas too I'm in the twilight zone ( hears theme tune). So the next couple weeks will consist of major packing & trying to work out how to squeeze the contents of a large home into a dolly house lol i hateeeeeee moving arggghh

Starting weight ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19st 3lbs
Week 1:~ 09/11 ~~~ - 8lbs ~~~~ 18st 9lbs
Week 2:~ 16/11 ~~~ - 2lbs ~~~~ 18st 7lbs
Week 3:~ 23/11 ~~~ - 5lbs ~~~~ 18st 2lbs
Thank you Carrie & Derbynanny :) Still haven't started the packing yet as I've come down with a throat infection :cry: But I am down 2lbs this week which isn't too bad and nearly 17lbs for last month. I feel I've had a great restart month and suspect losses will slow down a little. For December I'd like to lose a couple more lbs before the Xmas blowout, So hopefully I will to end this month with no gain at least or even a small loss by New year. (fingers crossed)

Starting weight ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19st 3lbs
Week 1:~ 09/11 ~~~ - 8lbs ~~~~ 18st 9lbs
Week 2:~ 16/11 ~~~ - 2lbs ~~~~ 18st 7lbs
Week 3:~ 23/11 ~~~ - 5lbs ~~~~ 18st 2lbs
Week 4 ~ 30/11 ~~~ - 2lbs ~~~~ 18st 0lbs

Total loss in November 17lbs