Deflating the Bouncy Castle

firstly That santa suit is HOT! where is that from?

secondly Oh honey......

- I am going to tell you what you would tell anyone else....dont be so hard on yourself for feeling so pee'd off. This is a totally natural feeling.

I know many people who have gone through the horror of waiting for IVF, of having their alloted cycles and even going privately.

Eventually, as trite and unlikely as it sounds some stars align and it happens.

It must be so hard being around people who are your age and popping out kids left right and centre. People who are going through similar issues perhaps, and maybe those who get knocked up by accident.

I think I did mention before, that I was told that I would have to have one ovary removed (I had a cyst that the "quacks" were scared would rupture the size of an apricot) That was shortly before I started CD the first time. I went on the hunt for some holistic help, I started taking agnus cactus and lost 4 stone...magically when I went for my last pre-op scan and it had all but disapeared (it was more like an almond if you ask me to begin with).Previously One lovely doctor told me, that I would probably never concieve naturally and not to hold out much hope of IVF as they would do clomid and metformin first... IVF was also not available in wirral unless I undertook radical lifestyle change - all that at the ripe old age of 30 - he even condesendingly suggested that I already had one child, so that's ok then, isn't it?

I was beyond devestated, though at the time, I was a single parent any case, so my hopes of having more children were kind of far fetched anyway. Then my sister had 2 babies in quick sucession and I was sad to begin with, but I could look after them without any responsibility and it was ace! I got to vent my maternal instincts cooing over them.

Then I met my husband, we didnt plan to get pregnant so quick, to be honest, we both thought the odds were so low anyway (he had a hernia in the army and the op nicked one of the tubes to his testicle, so he believed his sperm count was really low too.) We were kind of resigned to our misery so never paid much thought to it, we just kept things going along and without any precuations after a while, then 6 months before our original wedding date, I discovered I was up the duff!

I know you must feel like doctors think its your fault - I know I did because I used to take the pill continuously without a break so I would never had a period (because I hated them) and thats an indicator in PCOS and BOY did I get berrated for it, like - hello I am not even taking the pill I have not for over 10 years, why bollock me now?

Anyway - as bummed as you are, as bad as you feel. YOU will rise above this, YOU will get through this and YOU will get your dream. I truly believe, where there is a will there is a way...and tell your husband, if you need to pay privately then thats what you WILL do.

Deep breath and soldier on sister!
spangles said:
well i'm not very 'bouncy castle' at all right now. Just found out that one of my very best and closest friends is pregnant. i should be used to it by now: i'm 37 and for the last two years over a dozen of my mates have had kids, but for various reasons that i won't go into here at the risk of anyone who knows us identifying her - because minimins is a public place, and it's still very early and a big secret - i didn't imagine i had any concern that she'd be starting a family yet.

and she's overjoyed and obviously i am pleased for her, but i'm sitting here crying my eyes out, because you know what? turns out f*cking everyone gets a baby except me. and I know i'm doing all i can but it all seems so completely futile, because i'll be 38 soon - and then there's the waiting les for our one precious shot at ivf... but it takes most couples an average of three goes, and my husband doesn't think we should spend the money on it when the chances are so small. And I feel like i'm putting myself through all this b*llocks and the odds are all stacked against me, and then people who aren't even trying get knocked up at the drop of a hat, and TTC forums are full of people trying for oooooooh a whole eight months, and I hate feeling like such a b*tch about it, i hate myself for that but it's how i feel. and then people try to be lovely, and bless their hearts and tell you these f*cking stories about people they know who were waiting to have ivf and got knocked up anyway, and i feel like screaming at them because actually, the chances of me conceiving naturally are so slight as to be not worth counting, because i have fallopian tube damage, and f*cking doctors keep telling me it's most likely from an undiagnosed STI at some point in my life (and therefore YOUR FAULT YOU TART - implicit) when I never had sex without a condom till we started trying for this baby over two years ago.

oh god i feel so much rage about this whole f*cking thing, and it's so completely unfair.

I thought i had got past the worst, is the thing. For the first year and a half or so of 'infertility', i would regularly break down in tears about it - but recently, not... and i thought i was gradually coming to terms with the possibility of never being a mum... but it turns out not - because i'm sitting here, a howling snotty mess, so, so ashamed of my negativity.

but where else do i have to express it all?


Big hugs. I know exactly how you feel. Took me and my other half almost four years to finally fall pg with our little boys. Seemed that everyone around me fell pg at the drop of a hat, particularly those who were not in stable relationships eh. There's nothing harder emotionally than wanting something that's beyond our control but youre doing everything you can to be in prime condition for IVF to make sure it works first time xx if you ever want to rant, feel free to do it to me xx

CD journey. -11.1, -3.5, -2.6, -2, -5.7, -
Oh spangles, how I want to sit with you and a brew and tell you my tale. I fear though, as when I was in a similar situation to you I didn't want to hear about anyone else. I didn't want to hear how hard or easy other people found conceiving, I just wanted it to happen to me. It didn't work for me. I wasn't lucky. But what I did do was make a decision. I took charge (control freak remember) and I made the final decision to stop. That was the only way that I could avoid some of the terrible deep stabbing pains that childlessness gave me.

Now I enjoy being an auntie and step mother. I get as involved as I can while remembering that I don't have to have the responsibility. I can be selfish. I can spoil. And in my heart I can still be sad that I won't be a mum, but it's slowly becoming manageable.

If you want to talk, cry, scream or just be, I'm here and I can see that lots of other people are for you too.

And remember until you say stop, or no there is always hope xxxxx
thanks honey.

i've always said, if someone could tell me that it would never happen, i could live with that. but as you know, that isn't the nature of the thing. certainly i can't give up yet. not yet. i have to see what happens with ivf.
So, I'm in a&e again with my mystery abdo pains. Unlike last time, tonight it has flared up twice, each time for a period of time, getting worse before suddenly abating. At the moment I'm not too bad, but fifteen mins ago I was mewing and panting in absolute agony. Going to wait and be seen in case it happens again. Don't want to be at home if it does.
Hope you feel better soon. Sounds horrible.
Oh no! Get well soon love, hope to god they find out whats going on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i'm fine - up and setting cover work for my day's classes, as i've recklessly decided to take the day off work. the good news, really good news, from last night is that they no longer suspect my liver is messed up. which is a relief, and also lets any residual suspicions i had about the diet being the cause, off the hook.

my personal suspicion is that it's gastritis related to stress about my job. which is why both times it's been seriously bad, have been on a sunday evening. but which is nothing i can do anything about in the short term.
Hi Spangles, I just read through your diary from start to finish (lots of pages :)). I'm not on CD (although I am on another VLCD) but your diary is quite inspirational. What does stand out throughout is that you're a strong woman; someone who will get to where they need to be because you have the strength to do so. You know where you're headed and you know that you'll have your turn at IVF when you get there. The frustration you feel in the meantime is understandable but these things will happen for you in time, so just focus on the end goal because it is getting closer.

No one can tell you if you'll be one of the lucky ones with IVF but that shouldn't stop you from remaining optimistic about it. Many people do get pregnant on their first attempt (I know of several) and you'll hopefully be one of the lucky ones. If you're not I know that you'll pick yourself up and give it another go because from reading this diary that's the measure of who you are as a woman. You won't let obstacles get in your way. Focus on success, not potential failure, because that will inspire you and provide hope.

Chin up, and keep the dream alive xx
thanks - that's lovely!
ok, girls. been to the GP and they are now treating for gastritis, which will be monitored over the next few weeks, and if it flares up again, i may need a camera shoved down into my stomach, because then it may be an ulcer.

it might be bacterial, or it might be stress. certainly the stress isn't helping - the thought of going to work makes me feel physically sick some days (not the actual teaching, mind: the workload, and management culture of blame and mistrust). but there's nothing can be done about that, really. i need continuity of service if i'm to take maternity leave at any point. plus we want to get on the housing ladder before i'm 40.
Life really can kick you in the teeth at times can't it?

Have you ever looked into alternative stress relief at all? I know this may sound odd but my Mum has suffered from high blood pressure and severe nose bleed all her adult life. She tried acupuncture last year and it has been fantastic for her. I know it might not work for some people but just a suggestion.

Hope you aren't feeling in pain and fingers and toes crossed for you x
i tried acupuncture once, years ago - but it was fearfully expensive. i like a massage as much as the next girl, but it only works as long as it's happening. i need to make some life changes, tbh. i've always been one for 'put up or shut up'... it's just for the quite long time being, i'm having to 'put up'. it's not just me. we had a productive union meeting the other day, and once the issue with pensions is resolved (one way or the other - at least for now), we're looking into a 'work to rule' situation.
Can't update my stats or ticker at the mo, as I'm on my phone - but thought I'd share my 5.75lb loss today. Not only is that fab, but I've now lost a total of four and a half stone! Yayayayay!