Lol. Id say it takes 3 classes to get u hooked! I love it. I've been 4 days out of 5 but only cause i couldn't get in for another one lol. Plus i always go to total body workout on a Monday!

Try it, if you're not in u can't be thin lol. If u can, try a beginners class first as they are a little bit kinder lol xx
Morning acc! Good on u!

Emsie, i go to my local leisure centre. Im a member of their gym and it includes all classed. Id say your leisure centre would do spin classes as they are very popular at the minute! X
None for me today 7.2 mile run yesterday so today was my rest day, planning on 30 minutes on the crosstrainer and 100 crunches tomorrow :) can't wait for next weekend when I'm hoping to up my run to 8 or 9 miles :D
Going to do a 20 min dance workout on Xbox Kinect later :D