Desperately needd help with binging.

Thanks Enough. I hope the weigh in was ok! :)

I will look in to that Jo. I know a while back there was talk in work of them funding counselling for staff. Thanks for the advice, much appreciated!

Thanks for your kind words Newtaly. All of the things that you mentioned about the anesthetic are true for me too. I'd not really thought about it. I'd never had surgery before, but I was too shy to ask lots of questions. I've had a few infections since too.

Thank you spudsnipes your kind and encouraging words are very much appreciated.

Everyone has given me a bit of a boost and some great advice! Thank you so much. It's Saturday tomorrow, so fingers crossed I'll stick to my saved up syns! xxx
hello angel kitty xx

i am a horrific binge eater, and have been diagnosed with binge eating disorder by my gp and psycologist i was luckily enough to be referred to so understand completly those feeling you get on a sat.
Firstly congratulations on your loss so far, it is a massive achievement one you should be very proud off. secondly stop being so hard on your self.

The comments you heard from your neighbours were undoubtedly due to jealousy and should just be ignored, they are waiting for you to fail in order to feel better about them selves.

may i suggest you have a read in the bring your head in the rest will follow section on here especially the halt stuff. using this technique, among others, i have hopefully bought my binging under control and am now ready to try again to address the damage decades of binging has done.
not having the food in the house etc are all really good ideas but when i am in full on binge mode it really doesn't matter what i eat its the act that provides the comfort and i will find something, the more harm it does me the better.
I have learnt that i use food as a way off punishing myself, not rewarding, when i am binging, it is a form of self harm .

other tricks i now use are drinking a glass of something prior to binging, i force myself to do this and a large glass of anything helps. HALT has taught me to question before i start why i am doing it and on the whole once i realise why, i can distract myself away by addressing the reason.

I have concentrated on how i feel when i am hungry and full so that i can use those feelings and at the moment have found my off switch so can stop eating when i am full .

trust me none of this has happened over night but i am finding control and so will you. you recognise what you are doing and that is a really good point to start from x
Hiya hun. Firstly, like so many others have said, congratulations on such an amazing loss! You are a true inspiration, and your loss is testimony to the fact that you can achieve fantastic losses without going to a group. Secondly, please don't pay any attention to the nasty comments of your neighbour. At the end of the day, the comments say a lot more about her nasty spiteful nature than they do about you.

Like you, I am also prone to binge eating. Sometimes it's like a switch gets flicked inside my brain, and I just have to eat anything and everything in sight. This past 12 months has been particularly bad for father was diagnosed with a brain tumour last September, and despite surgery it regrew and was operated on a second time, but eventually he passed away in March as a result of too many complications. The reason I'm saying all this is that since last September I've gone from 14 stone 4, to 16 stone 13, so I know what a massive effect being unhappy can have on your dieting mindset. Despite this, I'm back to SW (after a brief swap to WW), and determined to just plod on and lose this weight. You've shown so much motivation up until now with your losses, and I'm sure you will soon get back on track and realise that the Saturday binges really just aren't worth it.

On a slightly more random note...what are you actually doing when you're bingeing? Are you focusing on what you're eating, or are you distracted by other things? I think so many of us are guilty of Mind Full eating, whereby we're so consumed by the brain chatter of our daily lives, that we forget to be mindful when we eat. Maybe if you made a conscious effort to taste and savour everything you eat, then you may find that you become satisfied after far less of a binge. This is what I'm trying hard to do at the moment.

If you ever need anybody to talk to hun, we're all here for you xxx