Determined to be foxy 42 by 2014! Want to join me?

Pheweeeee; so after the food posted earlier I had 3 large raw cauliflower florets, taste of home made red pepper chilli houmous (1 syn for tahini), pack of quorn deli roast fillets (0.5) and d cooked me butternut squash risotto. I am STUFFED. Only had 1.5 syns all day though so may have frozen curly wurly later. Am a very big balloon tonight. Better stay away from sharp objects and them fire
So have had a good diet day but feel a bit lacklustre and losing patience with cold weather (im a winter lover i should add!). Think its down to our friend totm (booooo). Studied tonight and its taken hours to find info about it but hooray its done for a few days. I will force myself to have an early night I think as sure I will sleep tonight as think d has slipped drugs into my squash im so cottonwoolly!! Lovely day 2 dhansak for dins - rice tonight too. Yum yum. 10 syns. Lots and lots of drink - tea,coffee,nas Ribena, nas orange, water. Got to finish a pressie I'm making. Will take a photo if any good. Was thinking - no1 seems to have had a birthday - ok when are they?

My 58th was 22 March
Annoyed at myself. Get ready for emotional outpouring - skip to lower entries if you dont have the strength!!! Far from having the alcohol free April I had contemplated I gulped down a few glasses of wine yesterday. Grrrrrrr. Work was fine but I am really run down after my cold plus the lack of rest due to tidying / sisters visit plus the ever tiresome totm & was very headachey and sleepy. My own fault as I'm useless at resting & NEVER admit defeat!! Anyway had promised my nan a visit so went round after work for a couple of hours. She's great and was telling me some fantastic stories about colchester in the war & about growing peach trees and having chickens in the 50s. Came home to make dins which I didn't eat til 9 as it was already 8 on my return. D had bought me a peace lily & blueberry bush. He had also bought some bubbly to celebrate something he had finished at work after much angst. I had a lemsip and felt better so thought I'd have a glass of bubbly. After that I felt so much better I had a glass of red too, and another one. Oh dear. Then I had 3 wafers and 2 chocolates. Felt great I must say. Until I woke up in the night feeling rubbish!! That'll teach me. Anyway slept til 11.20!!!! Feeling much more rejuvenated. I'm going to be good today. 1 bad day does not spell disaster but I'm disappointed in my lack of discipline last night. Feel like its slipping at the moment, particularly around booze at weekends. Must rein it in bigtime. I'm not drinking bottles or eating massively but with my baby losses I need to be quite focused all the time or I will gain. Really want to get to 13-6 this week to get my 21 lbs, 10% off etc. it was one of my main aims and its the end of Lou's 100% for 100 days on Tuesday - they were the targets I set. I desperately want to make it but I've got 2 lbs to lose by Tuesday to get there. Got to do it!!!!

Weetabix (b), total 2% (1.5), banana
Coffee (a)
Not sure about lunch, maybe frylighted egg Sanger. Dinner will be dhansak.
Lots of nas squash. Lots of tea/coffee. Lots of relaxing! Lots of football and planning our July break to Scotland and June mini cruise.
Good you are re-hydrating, you need it after the wine, and colds dehydrate their victims and more liquids seem to help weight loss. It's one night (and it sounds like a lovely evening - lovely evenings are GOOD :) ) and I'm sure Ms Disciplined can sort it out by Tuesday. Having said that, you are spotting an area where you tend to lose your focus. This is good. Now you know where it is it should be easier to do something about it. Can you make plans in advance how you could handle another evening with bubbly and more on offer?

I'm happy you had a nice evening, sorry you need to recover today, and am sure you can keep focused on doing what you need to do for your long term benefit. XXX
Well I have been in the garden in leggings and a fleece - and it wasn't even cold! Could this be lovely spring? I weeded & moved a couple of plants & trimmed and clipped. It needs a lot of general tidying but lots of the new plants put in last year are coming up. I also planted some seeds: blue poppy, birds foot trefoil, mixed wildflower, teasel, sweet pea. My garden is a mix of palms, yukkas, bamboo, fig, kiwi, grapevine, many buddleia, hazel, cherry, strawberries, raspberries & lots of butterfly & bee friendly things as well as a couple of roses, azalea, hibiscus etc- a right mishmash in a very small area. It has been really lovely being outside in the sunshine. I can't wait for post work and weekend evenings sitting out there with candles. Mmmmmm nice. I'm currently lying on the sofa in the study upstairs watching gtitty box as when I was outside i saw 2 gtits go in there together & I'm hoping that they were getting it on & thinking of making an offer on the house! No action at mo so better nip & start dhansak!
Hasn't it been nice today! I was in the car earlier and out of the wind with the sun coming through the glass I was too hot. A very novel experience. Your garden sounds a lovely mixture of plants. What is your soil like?

We are on heavy clay and starting seeds directly into it is a big mistake, Ah silly me, I'm assuming your seeds went into the ground but maybe you are doing the seed trays and stuff routine?

Good news too on the tit front, may they be very happy there.

Something strange happens between you typing and me seeing it on my screen. Something you do comes out as & for me and I am bewildered.
Yes I don't know what that amp thing is. I think it must be a combo of certain words.

I plant in seed trays so they're more sturdy when they go in the ground. My soil is very shingly & free draining. It is really really dry so I have bought a lot of plants from Beth chatto gardens who have done a lot of research into p,ants that need little or no irrigation - and I have the sub tropicals and banana which thrive but also I have planted 2 gunnera manicata and I have to constantly water them very heavily in summer.

Dhansak was yummy. 3 poppadums. Now yogurt.
I'm a rubbish gardener I kill artificial plants. All patio'd and brick for me in my yard. But I do window boxes very well :) lol
I so wish we had a garden. we just have a yard which is all decked with a few potted plants. we have hanging baskets by the front door and a few little conifer tree things (see how technical my gardening skills are?! lol) in a little fenced off area as we don't have a front garden as such. Your garden sounds lovely x
It was horrid when we arrived. Overgrown, path down the middle, 2 sheds either side. We found a dead pet rabbit in the undergrowth - how gross is that. A family with 2 little girls lived here before. Ugh. Anyway I had a little decked yard so all my stuff was in pots and I designed the garden around that. I also have a young guy come in & help with weeds etc every few weeks for a couple of hours - only way we can keep on top of it although I do as much as I can.

Lovely here again & I'm very excited I might see my first butterfly so we are going out for a little stroll to see whether I will get lucky.

Not eaten yet but having something before I go out - have a lovely springy day x
It was horrid when we arrived. Overgrown, path down the middle, 2 sheds either side. We found a dead pet rabbit in the undergrowth - how gross is that. A family with 2 little girls lived here before. Ugh. Anyway I had a little decked yard so all my stuff was in pots and I designed the garden around that. I also have a young guy come in & help with weeds etc every few weeks for a couple of hours - only way we can keep on top of it although I do as much as I can.

Lovely here again & I'm very excited I might see my first butterfly so we are going out for a little stroll to see whether I will get lucky.

Not eaten yet but having something before I go out - have a lovely springy day x

In our other house we had huge lavender bushes and used to get so many bees and butterflies - very pretty but not very practical with 2 toddlers. The back garden was 60ft by 60ft and we planted apple trees and a horse chestnut tree memory of both our dads. We even grew rhubarb - well actually we discovered it when we finally managed to sort out the 6 foot worth of grass and crap.

It was a lovely garden to look at when it was mowed and tidy but it was on a slope and every winter without fail the fences would get buckled because of the elements T hated mowing it because it would be a full day job. I suppose I don't miss it - it's nice to sit in my little concrete jungle all private and walled in ;) xxx
I'll own up. I have a big garden heading (heading???) towards being a jungle. Every year I do massive clearances but fail to keep on top of it. Some years I have grown a few veggies and had a (jungle) allotment where I grew a bit too. It is big, big enough for several teens to have camped out there in a big tent one summer, and to have a fire - it was like having a mini festival of our own :)
That sounds great! Jungly is great for birds, bees, butterflies. Mine is a bit too neat now to support all the wildlife I want to and I wish is kept the bit near the house wild instead of decking it.
:) :) I do refer to it as my nature reserve :) We even have some fine stinging nettles .... ooooh, it's the right time of year to eat them isn't it. I have home grown veggies after all, if I dare eat them this year.
Saw some fantastic wildlife today- the usual birds, squirrels, rabbits but also 2 jays, a crane (wow in flight incredible), woodpecker and.... Drumroll..... A small tortoiseshell HOORAY number one butterfly of the year. When the weather gets better I have to do my surveying for butterfly conservation but that is a while off I reckon! Lovely walk but slumped big time this pm. Tidied garden but felt really down in dumps for a while. Started getting really anxious but I think it's passed now and I feel better (totm obviously doesn't help rationality).

So, food -
Weetabix (b), total 2% (1), 2 tsps rasp jam (1), banana
6 Finn crisp original (b), 2 laughing cow light blue cheese (bit of an a)
Asda mince chilli with peppers, mushs, courgettes, toms etc.
muller light Greek yog (0.5)
Coffee (a)

More syns needed so will have a couple but not sure what yet!

Just showered and remembered for once to moisturise against skin sag. I know there are threads on here especially about this but anyone have any thoughts on it and how to avoid it?
Not sure I believe in the mosturising against skin sag, it's nice to do it but tbh, I think it's the luck of the draw if you get it or not. But then I am generally skeptical of the claims of people who want to sell us stuff. However superdrug sell some face cream that is meant to boost collagen and do all that sort of stuff and they are good on animal testing issues and labelling their products suitable for vegetarians or vegans. Trouble is they support Workfare and I hate the idea of companies getting free labour to boost their profits. I still do shop there though hypocrite that I am. Try to avoid them as much as possible though
I think skin sag is all down to genetics to be honest and no amount of miracle moisturiser will save us from the sag or wrinkles if you're not made that way. Some people have better skin than others and it recovers better than some after a lot of weight is lost, the same can be said for ageing. Some people look easily 10 years plus older than they are because of their skin whilst some are the opposite. I think it all comes down to what we eat has well and smoking is supposed to be notoriously bad for the skin. Drinking loads of water and keeping hydrated helps skin to 'spring' back but my stomach has never recovered from the 3 c sections I had so losing the weight is gonna give me more swing than swagger lol - and I've already got bingo wings so dread to think what they're going to look like once I reach target. Saying this I anyways body butter after the bath and always moisturise my face, neck and chest after washing always have done since i was about 14.
I was once told by a PT at the gym that no amount of exercise or treatments can undo the sag because its the skin and the layer of fat under it that gives the sag not the muscle so while I might have a 6 pack and guns of steel I will need a full body of skin lift to see them lol :D xxx
Ha Lisa always says it better :) I came here thinking about the subject of sagging skin and had in my mind exactly ^^^^^^^^^^^

I have been lucky in the past, about 10 years ago I lost 4.5 stones, not down to 'skinny' but passable IYKWIM then twice since then I've lost over 3st, getting to a lower BMI than before. I never got loose skin then and my body moisturising routine is intermittant to say the least.

Now I'm a lot older, droopy boobs that look like they need an iron in some angles and lights and doubt I'll get away with it again.

I expect you will be OK M, you are younger and don't have masses to lose and don't have a history of yo-yoing, do you? Anyway, putting nice smelling jollop on is nice and indulgant so so don't let me stop you but I personally doubbt very much if it will make a difference. I still use the Superdrug stuff on my face - intermittantly again - and wouldn't mind a miracle :)

Hope work is not too stressful and tht the sun shines for you X