Diary of a heffalump :)

Me too. Glad it's all going well. How did your cat get on?
Yeah she's fine, She just sat there and let the vet get on with it, I'm really lucky with both my cat's, they have amazing temperment's! My son's forever swinging off their tails and they've never gone for him once! Really good cat's xx
Hiya hun im feeling v v sorry for myself with my tooth im just sat in dentist.christ i want to be knocked out glad ure doin well and beim strong xx
Hope the dentist fix your tooth Fran and you start to feel better. xx
Bless ya Fran :( Is everything alright? just seen your FB status xx
Got antibiotics so hopefully be feeling better tom.was worrying that i needed to eat with them but the bix doesnt say anything.not really hun the other half has really really hurt and upset me.not a good day in general at all.how you getim on? Xx
I know the feeling hun :( It's awful when they do that :( I've been good, having some chicken son though because I'm feeling sick and dizzy :( xxx
Not a good day.oh yes have chicken if itl get you through the day.you should feel bit better tom.any plans for weekemd? Im out for meal cd style sat well if he apologises.or he can shove it up his arse.bank hol sun is mega party nite down here everyone goes out so i contemplated it but now im on anitibiotics its decided for me lol oh well a week tom il be in benidorm eek xx
I've got the brther in law and his missues over for dinner saturday :/ Gonna have small portion's of whatever I cook them I think xx
Ooooh wot u goin to cook them hun? Sounds good x
Enchilada's, my specialty! and home made belgian waffles lol xx
Lol omg and your goin to eat them u bad girl lmao! Sound bloomin lush mind x
They are lush LOL! But I refuse to stand and cook a delicious meal for everyone and have none! Just no!xx
Lol dont bloody blame u.il be round lol x
Lol! More than welcome :p xx
Hello are you alive lol are you on plan hun xx
On plan and not being bad tomorrow either! Just saw a pic of myself and felt actually sick at the sight of myself! NO FOOD FOR THIS FATTY!!!xx
Good luck. When is you WI this week? Have you got a mini goal in mind?
Chrissy you are not a fatty! Glad ure staying on plan hun u just got back into ketosis you dont want to have to go through it again hun.argh are weekends so hard.everyone is goin out tonite and tom and i dont know how im goin to say no :/ willpower fran willpower.xx
Got to change my weigh in to Wednesday cos that's my pay day this week, stupid bank holiday!
It was a huge wake up call Fran!xx