Diary of a PomPom...

Hahahahah - I was just thinking I wonder how many people will want my scrappy old jeans. Especially as I'm very short in the leg. Even buying the petite stuff the ankles scrape on the floor and get frayed within a couple of wears.

I do have loads of lovely tops though. I'm off Friday so I"ll have a trying on session and see what I have to offer
Just a quick 10 minutes before i start work..

Zoe - i've read the first few pages of your diary.. diet coke addiction, check, RSI, check, boss who eats chips in the office, check, want Jennifer Aniston's bod, check... we're spookily similar!(but I have a less cool social life and job!):D Will enjoy reading your diary I think!

Right so just quickly so I don't find myself eating odd things during the day - my meal plan. Now i'm doing extra easy today (just cos i didn't have anything in for my lunch for a red day). Please feel free to point out my mistakes!

Breakfast - apple, yogurt (3 - d*mn you activia), weetabix (2)
Lunch - chicken and veg potato thing that i found in the freezer (another one of my cooking masterpieces by the look of it - it looks like sick mmm mmmmmmm!)
Tea - Beef casserole - beef, parsnips, carrots, butternut squash and oxo's (no dumplings :cry:)
Snacks - strawberries, satsuma, nectarine, almonds (2.5)

ohhhh i've just noticed i got no HEB's... does anyone know if nuts are a HEB on extra easy(they are on green)??? i don't have me books with me today! - just checked - no they're not... b*gger i'll have to think of something else.
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So I realised that I haven't got many goals set up.. that's because i'm not allowed a big signature or photos till i'm a big girl and have posted 50 posts... :sigh:

So some goals- and i may update this as I go along in the day..

  • first weight goal - club 10 - this will be 179.5lbs (8lbs to go)
  • fit nicely in size 16 trousers - embarrassingly i currently have a pair of jeans and a pair of trousers that I wear but I do up using a hair bobble.. god forbid the day when i have to explain that to someone who sees it! :eek:
  • wear a tight top.. my weight tends to be kept on my belly so no matter what size i am i usually have a big bulgy tyre above my waistline :( (i usually distract people from it though by wearing low cut tops - works fabulousy on men!:rotflmao:)
  • Lose at least 1lb a week on average (i think i'm doing this ok so far but i havent checked any figures)
  • Start some exercise
  • Update measurements once a month
I think that's ok for my short term goals.

I've been playing around with some numbers and i've just realised that reaching my club 10 is actually a loss of 20lbs! Thats' huge if you think of it those terms.

Also getting to my pre target goal weight (first one is 150lbs) will be 25% of my body weight gone..a quarter of me!

Lets push on and get there!
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Nooooo....:( chips in the office.. chips in the office...

bad bad men!


i am ignoring them..i shall not succumb to their greasy nastiness..
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Nasty Nasty Chips :mad:

:D i did i promise.. they smelt lovely but i knew they wouldn't taste as lovely as they smelt!
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Change of plans!

Right well, who forgot to take my pork joint out the freezer to make pulled pork for tea? Me.. yes...:eek:

So slight change of plans today.. i'm going green for a change..

Brekkie - apple, yogurt (muller FREE!!) and weetabix (2)
Lunch - spaghetti hoops
Tea - 2 oopsie rolls, 2 HM burgers (2HEb) cheese (HEa) HM chips(2 oil)
Snacks - 10 almonds (5) satsumas, milk (HEa), strawberries, and *ahem* biscuits (11)

i've gone over syns:(.. i didn't mean too but i got it in my head that i was going to have biscuits cos i was visiting my dad and I always have biscuits.. bad habit must break it..:nono:

Now, i've also changed my weigh in day to Sunday mornings.. i'm not going to class anymore and Sunday works better for me.

Because it's 9-10 hours before i get weighed normally i should get a loss.. in reality (i.e. i had a sneaky weigh in this morning) I am not going to get as big a loss as I'm expecting.

I'm really really disappointed, however I also know i've eaten pizza, a bit of cake and biscuits in this time. Still it feels like i'm cheating if i manage to get my first stone cos i obviously haven't been trying that hard to lose actual weight and i'm just using timing to get it....:sigh:
Hey lady - When you get that stone award it's you that earned it with your hard work. Nobody gave it to you.

Ok so you might have gone over your syns but we can't be perfect all the time. Think of the things you used to shove down your neck without a second thought. I bet there are loads of things you resisted - chips for a start :)

So what if you weigh in a bit later this time - over the month it will give you an average figure.

I'm came on here to give you a kick up the butt. It's a good job I haven't bought my killer heels yet :8855:
Okay. So you've had a few bad moments. And that's all they are MOMENTS. just wee little flickers in time. You didn't eat pizza and cake for a whole week, or a whole day or even a whole hour. It was just a moment.

It's much easier to put a brief window in the day behind you and get back on track.

You can overwrite everything bad by doubling it with good.
Thanks for your support guys(and the as* kicking).. i was feeling a bit sorry for myself last night and had a bit of a pig out... :eek:

Well i say pig out, i had 3 squares of chocolate, half a melon and some strawberries!! I know how to live the rock and roll lifestyle huh??:D

I'll still be a bit annoyed when i don't lose as much as I need to tomorrow, but i've come to terms with the fact that i ate at least 3-4000 calories worth of pizza/wedges/bread last weekend so the weight is never likely to fall off me this week is it?...

So.. i'm getting back on the horse and stop feeling sorry for myself. I am responsible for my own actions - Only i can make the choice - Do I prefer food to be being thin & healthy... ?? honestly, i'm still not sure...

Anyway red day today..
Brunch - bacon medallions, eggs, sauted new potatoes 198g (Heb) one toast (3)
Tea - pulled pork(2), HM coleslaw, Sweet potato (HEb) salad
Snacks - milk in tea (HEa)

I've left myself some syns to use incase my hand sneaks into the nut jar throughout the day...
I am not here to give you an ass kicking thats TillyMax's job ;) lol but I do agree with everything she said :D You have worked to get this weight off and yes you may of fallen off the wagon a bit last weekend but you are back on it now and thats all that matters! Having a blow out is needed sometimes I think because it puts you back into determination mode and from the sounds of it you are now very determined to get back on track!

Did you remember to take the pork out for tea tonight? lol

I hope your day is better and that your loss is good tmrw x
Thanks ladies...

I'm just going to take tomorrow's weigh in as a starting point for the next stage of my journey...

Mini Mum - Of course i didn't remember to take the pork out!:whistle: my husband knows what a thicko i am and did it himself after i'd gone to bed! :D

ohh and new cooking disaster of the day.. I put some new potatoes on to roast earlier, 2 hours later i now have charcoal brickets for the BBQ... i offically give up!:sigh:

Luckily the pulled pork recipe is done in the slow cooker so it doesn't really matter that i forgot about it all day.. it was lovely mmmm mmmm.. one of my faves!

Have a good evening lov-a-lies x
When I'm reading other peoples diaries I keep asking if I can come for tea cos their food sounds lovely. Hope you don't mind but I think I'll give yours a miss :8855:

Only kidding. Glad you're back on track :)

Hahahaha I actually laughed out loud then Tillymax! :rotflmao:

Its a good job your husband remembered because the pork dish sounds lovely :D
When I'm reading other peoples diaries I keep asking if I can come for tea cos their food sounds lovely. Hope you don't mind but I think I'll give yours a miss :8855:

Only kidding. Glad you're back on track :)

ahhh and there i was about to invite you all :D

so rude...:rotflmao:

So i've weighed this morning.. now we know from Tilly's thread that maths isn't my strong point (or cooking obviously!!:D) so correct me if i'm wrong anywhere, i weighed in at da da da, da da da dahhhhhh

184.5lbs.. 13 stone 2.5..:eek:

15lb lost in total - 1 stone 1lb

How did that happen?

So i'm 3lb down from last week.. obviously some of it is from being weighed at a different time(a lb or two) to usual but i'm just gonna take that number and run!:confused:

The weird thing is, I feel bigger than ever this morning.. must be just the bloating from the bread i ate yesterday..

Right so enough of the naughtiness from last week.. i can manage a week on track, it's just a week after all.

Hope everyone has a lovely sunny sunny day.. if it gets as hot as they say it's gonna get I may actually put on my strappy top and show off my arms!!! :eek:

It's a recipe i got from the Slimming Eats blog - there's loads of lovely recipes on there..

I can't post links yet but if you google "pulled pork slimming eats" it'll bring it up..

It's shredded pork in a BBQ sauce.. we had it when we visited Memphis a few years back and oh my life it was gorgeous! This isn't quite as gorgeous but it does nicely:D

I'd have posted a picture, but i'm not allowed to do that either:(