Diary of a slimmer Loopeylou !!

You guys have done amazing!! Inspiring me to stick to plan for the long haul Xx
Thank you but also big thanks as you original gals were who inspired me to start :D xx

Its so lovely when people say that!!!!

I remember the girls who were doing it when i started!!!! Seems like yesterday!!!!

Onwards and inwards ladies!!!!!

Picture time argh lo

First is me this morning and next is new years party ...... Now 3 1/2 stone lighter :)

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You look gorgeous hunny, even more so now :) x
Wow Claire, what a difference! You look like the daughter of the lady in the second & third pic! Well done on coming so far x
Swit swoooooooo!!!!! Look at u!! Bloody gorgeous well done hun you look amazin!! Xxx

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You are soo pretty! Don't hide it!
Congrats on the weight loss you are doing soo well!

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Loopeylou said:
Just collected our holiday tickets :) :) happy thur night Xx

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Claire i am standing in my living room doing the banana dance...well.done on yours and hubbies amazing losses. Good on you for beating him lol

You are gorgeous woman but u are smoking in your new pic

Have a fantastic time in america xxx
donnajt said:
Claire i am standing in my living room doing the banana dance...well.done on yours and hubbies amazing losses. Good on you for beating him lol

You are gorgeous woman but u are smoking in your new pic

Have a fantastic time in america xxx

Thanks sweetie....like the idea if being smokin :)
Were all so excited and not long now Xx

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Just posted this in main forum:Well my poor hubbie.........he hasn't come off S&S in 9 weeks ( I had weekend off for York at wk 5), last night we went out with some friends. He chose ribs ( no chips or extra's bless him ) they only had a tiny amount of sauce and accordingly to MFP carbs wouldn't knock him out of ketosis as he'd only had 3 packs instead of 5.
He really enjoyed them but in the night he was really sick and has a very upset tum now with it coming from both ends IYKWIM!!!

We both discussed the refeed option and decided to stick to plan until the night we leave but now I think we are going to have to think seriously about a refeed from tomorrow if only for his benefit bless him.
He had cancer 12 years ago and the treatment damaged part of his stomach permanently so can suffer with digestion issues etc but he does not want to be feeling like this when were on the plane or in Florida, its really knocking him for 6.

We're going to talk again later when we're both home from work but think we'll prob do 3 packs then a "meal" in the evening slowly upping cals etc each day - off to read re-feed but any advice on refeed accepted please

My poor hubbie!!!!
Aw bless, hope the poor fella feels better soon. I think that's the wisest decision Claire. It'd suck if
he was feeling rubbish on holiday. You both have come this far so it's obvious you can do the
refeed properly and not be tempted to ruin the hard work you've both done. x
Poor hubs, Aww. This is another reason I change between three and four packs daily as I have uc, my tummy is super sensitive, helps to have some food occasionally or I'd be in serious pain if I had four then tried to eat!

Hope he is over the worst now, Ooo I excited for you :) Xx
Poor hubs, Aww. This is another reason I change between three and four packs daily as I have uc, my tummy is super sensitive, helps to have some food occasionally or I'd be in serious pain if I had four then tried to eat!

Hope he is over the worst now, Ooo I excited for you :) Xx

He does eat protein and veg most days though but this was not S&S friendly last night and guess being richer than what he's used too didn't do him any favours :eek:
Big chats later and plan of action for tomorrow onwards, have looked at S&S refeed so may follow along those lines for the 7 days.......but back onto S&S after Florida - maybe not hubbie as he only has a stone to lose ( more after Florida but maybe just do that with low carb healthy eating )

Hope your feeling better today sweetie