Did anyone panic buy petrol

I didn't until friday...when there was one pump within a 10 mile radius that still had fuel and i only had a little bit of fuel left. I am proud to say I was the one that emptied the last pump until they had a delivery an hour or so later :p
I didn't panic buy but I did get some as I need fuel for work. I refused to queue up and the local petrol stations to me ran out of diesel. So I just waited, didn't go anywhere and filled up on Thursday after most of the panic had died down.

It's crazy. I don't think we can fully blame the minister who said fill up etc, he shouldn't have said it, but we have been told that the drivers have to give 7 days notice to strike AND most of us are responsible adults who can think for ourselves, so those who queued for ages necessarily can blame themselves. Most of them were oldies round us, who fill up once a month at the most, they queued for ages. Fools.

I fill my car up at least once a week, my husbands car costs £90 to fill up - watch that meter whizz round folks!! I wish I didn't have to drive to work but I do, so I get pretty cross when things like this happen!!!
Was a tad annoying really as I didnt panic buy. I went to the garage I go to after slimming on Thursday as usual. We were going to Somerset from East Anglia the following morning and there wasnt any fuel in the garage because everyone had panic bought!I had less than 60 miles left of fuel.Fortunately, the garage on the slip to the m25 had unleaded but no diesel so felt very sorry for those who used it.

It almost scuppered our weekend away and hotels etc had already been booked!
It's crazy. I don't think we can fully blame the minister who said fill up etc, he shouldn't have said it, but we have been told that the drivers have to give 7 days notice to strike AND most of us are responsible adults who can think for ourselves, so those who queued for ages necessarily can blame themselves. Most of them were oldies round us, who fill up once a month at the most, they queued for ages. Fools.

Jaylou I said to my husband I bet a lot of elderly will be in the queues thinking they would have to get some even when they have 3/4 of a tank.
Nope, it's the old folk who have 3/4 of a tank of fuel and only ever drive 2 miles to the shop once a week! ;)
Believe me, there are so many in our village who do just that - and they were queueing for fuel!!
I didn't panic buy... I almost ran out of petrol and had to drive 38 miles after the warning light came on, to get petrol cos the two towns closest to me were out. So I was panicking, and I bought petrol..... does that count??? :)
My son could not take my MIL to her best friends funeral yesterday as he didn't have enough diesel to get there - 80 miles return - and none available where they live. She was not too happy.
No I'm not that stupid as some ppl, as we should know they have to give 7 days notice and we are always pulled out of the poop by the forces being on stand by anyway!

Almost as stupid as the ppl who will buy all the bread and milk off the shelfs incase they starve and die over Easter!

There are STILL long queues at the station near where I work - it's mad!
Beenie said:
There are STILL long queues at the station near where I work - it's mad!

Crikey it's fine here :) thank goodness
I didn't panic buy, I've walked almost everywhere since last week & managed to keep my quarter or a tank :) will need to get some today but maybe I should have panic bought - my local garage increased it by 5p a litre on Saturday :(