Diet drinks


Full Member
Sorry, will use up a different post for a different subject until I hit my first 20.

I think last weeks result was due to packing in my diet pepsi, caffine possibly? I was on 6 cans a day.

Now I love diet 7 Up but am worried about Citric Acid.

Anything else apart from water?

I live in Dubai and so I am used to drinking gallons of water despite spending all day in air conditioned cars, offices, homes etc. But as I've given up smoking and beer I need something remotely pleasurable in the frm of a cold fizzy drink.


Mark - just a note that you're posting in the diary forum when these are general Atkins questions.

I drink coke zero but will occasionally have another 0 cal drink (with citrics). Some people do find they're stalled by them though.
moonlights said:
Mark - just a note that you're posting in the diary forum when these are general Atkins questions.

I drink coke zero but will occasionally have another 0 cal drink (with citrics). Some people do find they're stalled by them though.

Oops thanks and sorry non-atkiners.

I'm new here, I'll take a closer look at how to post.
